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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Most likely from TikTok, by now we have all heard about manifestation as ways to manifest and manifestation how to’s took TikTok by storm in 2021. Since I started intentionally manifesting, I must say it has done me plenty of justice. Manifestation has given me a certain confidence that I can’t quite explain because to manifest you need to be assertive and have faith in yourself and what you set out to do. It was really hard having confidence when I struggled a lot with self-doubt, but as soon as I did, everything started to fall into place and it became second nature. There are a variety of ways to manifest and “attract your dream into real life” but one key I also have for manifestation is to make sure you are putting in the effort to make sure it comes to fruition.

3-6-9 Method

This is my favorite method and the most straightforward and easy for me. It involves writing your manifestation three times in the morning, six times at midday, and nine times before bed. The first three scripts are to set the intention, the next six times are to amplify them, and the last nine are to set the manifestation in stone. The 3-6-9 method follows the law of attraction which is really all that manifestation is. With this method as with all manifestation methods, you want to speak as if this “thing” is already yours using words like “I am” or “I have” and this is where the confidence comes in. This is an amazing method that’s very easy if you are just venturing into manifestation.


This would be my second favorite which entails visualizing the future you want and making a detailed plan. This can include freewriting which is writing like you already have everything you are manifesting and or just setting goals that you need to stick to. I love freewriting because it really allows you to pour out those true emotions you have about your dreams and or goals. When journaling you want to make SMART goals, goals that stand for specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and trackable, as you want it to be something you can really put in the work to achieve. Last but not least, make sure you have your “why” and know why is this dream or goal important to you and why you are pushing so hard for it.

There are many ways to manifest, but these are the two that have allowed me to get a clear hold of my dreams and goals in an easy and straightforward manner. I have also kept up with my affirmations to remove self-doubt and anxiety from my thought process and remember what is for you will always be for you. Manifesting has truly changed my headspace on what I can do for myself and has been a wonderful experience.

Britni-Lee Salmon is a current undergrad student at UCF, she is currently majoring in public relations/Advertising. Participating in groups such as TAU Sigma and the Her campus UCF chapter. She loves to travel, create content to share with others, and talk about hairless cats.