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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

In honor of Women’s History Month, the following four films are some of my personal favorites when I’m looking for something empowering. They’re all perfect for watch parties, so grab a few of your friends and check them out!

Miss Americana (2020)

Miss Americana is a documentary that follows Taylor Swift during a pivotal time in her career and explores how the music industry treats and portrays women. It features topics that Swift has historically avoided talking about, allowing fans and critics alike to develop a well-rounded view of her experiences. I’m a big fan of Swift, so the documentary has been even more influential in my life; I have friends, though, who are not fans and still stand by the claim that Miss Americana provides much-needed insight into the industry and Swift’s life, with commentary that makes it relatable to most viewers.

Hidden Figures (2016)

Hidden Figures is based on a true story, and follows three African American women engineers, all of which went on to achieve significant positions throughout their careers. This film does an incredible job showing the obstacles women face in STEM fields, and also considers the undeniable impact race has on individuals in these industries. If you’re looking for a film with an engaging plot that retains historical accuracy, this is the perfect option. 

Little Women (2019)

Directed by Greta Gerwig, Little Women is a period drama that follows Jo March and her three sisters: Meg, Amy and Beth, as they deal with the challenges women faced in the 1860s and creates a message focused on the capabilities of women. Gerwig leaves the ending up for interpretation, though it definitely does not follow the typical ending of period dramas — Jo is starting her career as an author, and all of the sisters are successful in their own right. It’s a bittersweet yet heartwarming film that’s inspirational for women of all ages, and this has made it my favorite film on this list.

Legally Blonde (2001)

Finally, to round out this list, I have to talk about Legally Blonde. Legally Blonde follows Elle Woods as she originally gets into Harvard Law School in an attempt to impress her ex-boyfriend, but shifts into an empowering film about independence and creating success for herself. The plot itself may be somewhat comical, however, it’s a must-watch if you’re in need of a pick-me-up. This one is also my go-to during girls’ night in, so I recommend it for those occasions especially.

Maggie is a junior at University of Central Florida studying Marketing with a minor in Mass Culture and Collective Behavior. She is an avid lover of coffee, cats, and indie music, and you’ll often find her reading at a local coffee shop, exploring Orlando, or going on spontaneous road trips with her friends.