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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

With the passing of spring break the last few weeks of the semester always seem to drone on forever. 

Thankfully Spring Weekend offers us something to look forward to as an extension of spring break. For those of you who haven’t yet experienced the debauchery of Spring Weekend, it truly is all that it’s cracked up to be.

Numerous hotels lining Panama City Beach filled with college students from all over the United States with one goal in mind : to rage their face off in the sand for two consecutive days. There are artist playing on the beach all day and night, while kids run from hotel room to hotel room meeting new people and partaking in lots of other fun activities.

The event this year reached a peak when they signed Krewella to headline at this event. Other artist that have been announced at this point are Alvara, Crespo, Bassjackers, heRobust, Arty, Kill the Noise and Orlando’s very own DJ Chizzle. For those of you who don’t know DJ Chizzle is a local artist that plays at several local bars such as Knight Library and The Station. The official dates of the event are April 4 and 5, visit the website for more information about tickets, hotels, etc.

I went last year as a freshman and it was the time of my life. Attending this event should be on every students college bucket list. I ran into so many people I hadn’t seen in years, made countless memories, a few questionable decisions and saw some incredible artist perform.

The highlight of the weekend was being with my closest friends when a remix of  “Clarity” (this song had just been released and was inherently every group of girls “song”). It was one of those moments where you look around and realize that this is something you will never forget.

The tickets can be pricy but lots of nightclubs and other companies host ticket giveaways leading up to the event. If you check out any Red Bull social media there are guidelines and instructions for their ticket giveaway.

In addition if you do decide to purchase a ticket use my promo code, “ksanford,” to receive $5 off! Comment below and tell me your favorite Spring Weekend memories!

UCF Contributor