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Miss Independent

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

When parents discuss college with us, they sometimes get more excited than we do because, in their mind, college is a time for their kids to learn responsibility and independence. But this thought is usually crushed when they receive that phone call asking for money for books, rent, and weekly groceries. They soon find themselves becoming charity wards for their children. But growing into your own does not only mean financial independence, but also making your dreams come true.
It’s almost impossible to go from your parents paying for almost everything to being cut off completely. Before every person walks they need to learn to crawl. So start crawling my fellow collegiettes. By getting a part-time job, it not only relieves some of the financial burden from your parents, but it also give a strong sense of satisfaction knowing you’re making your own money. Plus, you might learn some saving skills, because it’s a lot harder to spend the money you earn than the handout from your parents.
With this money you earn, you can slowly start reaching a place of financial independence. I think it can be a little ridiculous when college students are still having their parents pay for their gas. And as you get older, you will move from paying for your gas to rent, and, eventually, you will finally be able to place that checkmark on independent on your W-2.

One of the great things about being independent is that whatever you do with your life, it is because you made it happen. No one knows your dreams but you – so find a way to make them come true. Land yourself an internship or a job that will look great on your resume. I always feel a great sense of pride and satisfaction knowing that I am balancing school, a part-time job, and an internship. And I truly believe that these skills will help you have a better future. Our parents are not always going to be there to fall back on, so start learning to be on your own now, when you know that this is the time in our lives that they will be there to catch us if we fall.
So if you aren’t already on the track of becoming your own Miss Independent, then get started. It’s not always easy growing up, but it’s something we all have to do. And, hey, when you have kids of your own you can finally use that line, “When I was your age,” to push them in the direction that you are now headed.