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Melissa Bromley: HCUCF Treasurer

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Major? Interpersonal and Organizational Communication

Where are you from? Tampa, FL

When and how did you start working with HC? I started at beginning of my Junior year and I was informed about it by my sorority sister, who was already on the team, Paige Goodwin.

What have you learned from working with HC? I have learned so much from being a member of the HC UCF team. I developed leadership and teamwork skills that will apply to everything I will do for the rest of my life, especially in the real world after I graduate this May. 

What are you plans for after graduation? I have every intention of doing public relations, journalism, or communication for a non-profit organization or a university.  I am moving back to my hometown to try and get a career there and eventually, in the distant future, my own family started there. 

What has been your favorite undergrad memory? My favorite undergrad memory has been being a part of my sorority Alpha Delta Pi. It has led me to so many amazing opportunities that I never thought were possible, like competing in Miss UCF, being elected the UCF Greek Goddess, receiving the networking for the internships I have gotten and even being a member of Her Campus.

What will you miss about being an undergrad student at UCF? I will miss my amazing roommates and very dear friends that I will be separated from after graduation more than anything. I will actually miss having classes and not having to work 8-hour shifts 5 days a week. I will miss possibly never seeing some of the amazing people that I have met throughout my 4 years again in life. But I look forward to new experiences that life will bring me and moving on to this next exciting chapter of my life. 

What piece of advice would you give incoming freshmen about the college experience? The best advice I could give the incoming freshman are a few things:

Your general education classes actually do affect your GPA in the long run, so try to take them at least slightly seriously.

Never turn down an opportunity to do anything, because your senior year will whip so quickly past you and at that point all you will have are memories (don’t blink) and to get those memories, you have to not be afraid to take every opportunity that comes your way.

Yes, exams and class are important, but don’t be afraid to maintain your sanity and skip class one time, and remember that sometimes it is okay to enjoy your night before and miss your early class on one occasion, because when you graduate what will be more important to you, that you aced an exam but cannot recall a single fact from the class a month later, or that incredible night that you had with your friends that you will never forget and that they will probably bring up at your future wedding? 

What advice would you give those that are graduating in future semesters? I would say a few important things:

Do not wait till your final semester to look for a job. Figure out what your passions are and decide how your career will follow. Yes, money is essential and you need it to survive in life, but if you are passionate enough about something, follow that path and the money will follow you in return. 

Don’t be afraid to ask your peers if they know of any job opportunities that are open in your field of interest because it is IMPOSSIBLE to get a job without knowing the right people. Network as much as you possibly can.

Don’t be afraid to go out there and send your resume to everyone. Make sure to have an awesome cover letter, people for you to name drop, and make sure to have letters of recommendation.

Most importantly, don’t dwell on everything ending in your last semester, enjoy it the best you can because you will surely regret later the time you spent on crying about the end that you could have spent having final memories with your friends.