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LuLu: The App He’ll Never Find Out About

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

The other day at lunch I was savoring my pb&j and overheard (…was eavesdropping) two girls at the table next to me gossiping about boys and their scores on something called LuLu. Sometimes when it comes to guys, girls can say the darnest things, so I decided to further my listening. As I continued to eavesdrop on their convo I came to realize that they weren’t talking specifically about boys, they were talking about what other girls had to say about boys.

How are these two girls getting this information? What are these scores they speak of? At this point in time I should’ve just gone over and sat with the girls for the duration of their conversation — Im not the slyest when it comes to eavesdropping.
I soon learned that these girls were getting all their information off an iPhone Application, LuLu. Curiosity obviously got the best of me, so I decided to do a little more research on the app… AKA I downloaded it and checked it out for myself… It was a GREAT discovery.
LuLu is the first of its kind. It’s an app exclusively for girls in which we can read and write reviews of guys based on assets such as looks, humor, manners, ambition and commitment. Once the review is written, a score is given to the individual under review. The app can be accessed by girls ONLY via their iPhone’s connection to Facebook…. and it’s quite a funny concept if you ask me. The best part of this app is that you can include the most creative/halarious #LuLuTags in your reviews. Hastags can range from: #TallDarkAndHandsome to #Big.Feet., and from #StillLovesHisEx to #CouldUseSomeWork. 
I definitely told all my friends about it and they found it to be just as entertaining as I did. It became even more entertaining when my guy friends found out about it; there’s nothing like seeing guys stress over their LuLu score. 
It’s like turning the tables around– the power is now in the hand of the female and the boys are out of luck on this one. Weather you’re an ex, crush, friend or hook up, you can be totally honest about guys and gain great insight on your newest interest. I recommend you check it out if you’re looking for some humorous entertainment or if you really are curious as to what other girls have to say about your crush and their reputation.