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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Dear Beloved Roomies,

When I moved from New Jersey and began studying at UCF this past fall, I knew a lot was about to change. I was 1000 miles away from everything I had ever known, and I’m sure it goes without saying —​ there was a decent amount of fear mixed into my excitement about this huge step in my life. I was constantly questioning whether or not I was on the right path or if I was ready for such an intense transition into my college years, as many out-of-state students initially do. And to be honest, dearest roomies, you were also a stressor for me before I arrived at UCF. I never questioned my ability to get along with any of you, as I’m quite a people-person, but living with three other girls in a dorm room? As an only child, the idea was a bit alarming, to say the least. These feelings were not eased by the absolute horror stories I had heard about the roommates of friends of mine (duct tape dividing the room, getting kicked out at 1 a.m. for sexy time, the whole nine yards). Despite my apprehension, I was still excited to meet all of you.

polaroid pictures of friends
Jordan Sammarco

Our initial interactions were slightly awkward, but we were literally complete strangers. It took a bit of warming up, but I quickly realized that our relationships were going to be fine. Little did I know that by the end of the semester you would all turn out to be some of the best friends I’ve ever had. You are some of the most authentic and empathetic people that have come into my life. My concerns quickly disappeared: your humor was just as weird as mine, you joined me in my regular dance routines across the dorm, and you were always up for a spontaneous Target run…you all couldn’t get any better.

friends at sunset
Jordan Sammarco

We are all incredibly different from one another. Behind our door, there’s an Acting BFA, a Biology major, a Computer Science major and a Pre-Med student. We all come from different backgrounds and have harshly contrasting personalities, yet fundamentally we are so similar. We all have a strong distaste for the drama that most people love to indulge in, we are all driven and passionate about our studies, we all appreciate the arts in some form, and most importantly, we are all relentlessly supportive of one another. I cannot begin to thank you all enough for raising my spirits when I’m feeling down and providing me with an environment in which I feel completely accepted and encouraged. I promise you that I’ll always be there to reciprocate your love and friendship when you’re struggling, and I’m absolutely thrilled about the idea of having endless laughs and creating more beautiful memories with you all in the future.

Yours truly,


P.S. How do you all feel about getting a fish for the dorm? I have a few ideas for names in mind. Let me know.

Jordan Sammarco is a Biomedical Sciences major at the University of Central Florida, and is originally from the Jersey Shore. (Yes, like the TV show.) She is a vegetarian and passionate environmentalist/animal lover. Jordan spends her time listening to dad rock, obnoxiously laughing, and over-caffeinating herself.