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Lecture Hall Conduct: Stay Off the Class’s Hit List

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Alright, so we’ve all been in that one lecture hall with that one kid that seems to ask one million questions. This one kid must be oblivious to the two hundred and fifty grumbling students wishing he would just shut up so they could get the notes and get on with their day. Sound familiar, huh? Let me outline the behavioral offences of the unwritten lecture hall conduct – in hopes that you don’t unknowingly become “that one kid.”

Twenty Question Kid:This offender will be sure to raise their hand at the sheer quiver of doubt. They will ask the teacher to repeat something, re-explain a concept, or ask a question. Now I’m not saying questions are bad, but 10-20 per class is unacceptable. You will quickly rise to the top of the class’s hit-list. If you need to ask a question, look at your other resources and see if it can be answered in a different medium other than raising your hand and stalling class. Another alternative is to wait after class and ask your professor in a one-on-one setting, especially if the question could have multiple parts. This is a sure bet to escape the wrath of your fellow students.

The Debater: This is probably the number one lecture hall irritant – the kid that picks a debate with the professor and begins a twenty minute ordeal that will never end in success. Most class attendees are here to get the notes and get on their way, so they certainly don’t care an ounce about your view on the topic. Side note: Don’t pick a debate with the professor – this is very rude and undermines their credibility. You are a 20-something-year-old in college, you haven’t been exposed to even half of their knowledge. Respect them. So by starting a debate in class you are wasting your classmate’s time as well as yours by digging yourself a hole.

Social Hour Snobs: Here’s to that group of 3 girls that always sit behind you and discuss anything from the sloppy girl at that party to a fellow bimbo’s relationship status. You really want to punch them in the face, right? Here’s my advice for these chatterboxes – class is only an hour or so out of your day, you still have 23 more hours to talk all you want, but don’t distract students actually willing to learn. Also – you’re paying X amount of dollars to sit there and talk? Embrace the knowledge around you, and if you really want to block out the teacher you can log onto Twitter or Facebook to cure your social needs. This way you aren’t distracting others around you!

I hope my fellow college students take something away from this. The moral of the story is to have courtesy for others around you. It’s as simple as that. Also, if you’re one of the offenders, that’s okay! There’s help for everything these days.

Love, Your GBFF