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Lauren Berger: The Intern Queen

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

In 2009, Lauren E. Berger, a UCF graduate, formed www.InternQueen.com. She majored in Organizational Business Communications and graduated with 15 internships at major companies such as MTV, FOX, BWR Public Relations, and NBC. Today she is the CEO of InternQueen.com and has received recognition from America’s Best Young Entrepreneurs and 10 Youth Marketing Minds of 2010.

InternQueen is an online internship form that helps students find and apply for internships and educate them on how to make the most of their experiences. With over 1,000 employers worldwide, InternQueen connects employers with some of the most motivated students on the planet. The website has reached over 80,000 users and connected thousands of students with incredible internships.

Through internship experience, students can avoid unemployment in the future. By working short-term for a company in your field of choice, you gain insight into your future career. Employers extend job offers to nearly 70 percent of their interns, and according to a 2009 survey, employers hired 62 percent of job applicants who had some kind of internship experience.

In the upcoming weeks, InternQueen will be hosting a social media campaign in hopes of expanding knowledge of the company and to spread the word on the importance of getting involved with internships. Her Campus will be participating in this campaign by retweeting specific #hashtag tweets by InternQueen. Keep an eye out for these tweets and be sure to check out www.InternQueen.com and get a head start on your dream career today!