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Josh Mizrachi ’14

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Name: Josh Mizrachi
Age: 19
Hometown: Boca Raton, Fl
Major: Civil Engineering
Relationship Status: Single
Hobbies:Alpha Epsilon Pi, Playing soccer and football and other manly sports
5 Words To Describe Yourself: Really really ridiculously good-looking
Dream Job: Firefighter
Most Attractive Feature On The Opposite Sex: Beautiful eyes
Fun Fact About Yourself: Voted best legs in High School

Ladies, you better grab him fast, because he won’t be single for long!

Nina DeSarro is a senior at the University of Central Florida, pursuing a degree in Communication with a minor in Magazine Journalism and Sociology. She is the Assistant Editorial Director for UCF's HC chapter, and has been an avid Feature writer since her freshman year. Within her varied group of friends, she’s known as their “relationship guru,” specializing in the male/female dynamics. She is also an active member and former finance chair for her sorority, Alpha Epsilon Phi. In addition to being an avid writer, she can usually be found “plugged-in” with Dave Matthews Band streaming. Her ideal world is filled with Cosmo magazines, Vanilla Lattes, Sex and the City, Louboutin’s, and anything glittery. Her goals include, living and working somewhere in the North East for a television or magazine agency.