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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Age: 21

Height: 6’1

Major: Legal Studies

Hometown: Bogota, Colombia

Single or Taken?  Single

What are your favorite hobbies?  Craftbeer, rugby and bromancing it with my bros.

Favorite Song?  Ride (Tiesto Remix) – Carry Brothers

Boxers or Briefs?  Briefs

How would you describe yourself in 3 words?  Gentleman, dreamer and unrefined

What traits attract you to a girl?  Being able to hold hour long conversations that feel like minutes, her being goal oriented, well-composed but not afraid to have fun, beautiful eyes, and active in either sports or working out.

Boobs or Butt?  Butt

Who wears the “pants” in the relationship when you are dating a girl and why?  I’d say it feels almost like mutual slavery so we both just fight for the pants lol

What is your longest relationship? Who broke up with who?  Longest has been three months and I broke up with her.

In your opinion, what is the PERFECT date?  The perfect date is in Ft. Lauderdale. I pick her up and we go to a Las Olas restaurant, after the check comes she tries to reach for it and offers to pay, but I tell her I got it (most important part), she treats dessert at a frozen yogurt place, we walk a little and then we get in my car and go to my beach apartment where I take her up on the balcony and say thanks for coming out and then is when I kiss her.

From Tampa, Florida
UCF Contributor