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John B’s Dad Is Back In ‘Outer Banks’, But Should He Have Stayed “Dead”?

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Like many people in the world recently, I’ve spent too much time watching the Netflix show, Outer Banks. If you haven’t watched the show, Outer Banks is a Netflix series centered around four teenagers who call themselves the “Pogues” and the other group in town, the “Kooks.” The whole show revolves around the Pogues’ constant hunt for treasure whether it be gold, an old religious artifact, or cities full of riches. There are relationship and familial conflicts, creating interesting plots for this wild series. 

I rewatched the first and second seasons impatiently awaiting the third season’s arrival. The main reason for my impatience is because of the huge cliffhanger at the end of season two. If you’re planning on watching the show and don’t want to be spoiled, I would stop reading now. We learn quickly into season one that our main character is John B. He begins the series by saying that his dad, Big John, has been lost at sea for several months and is presumed dead. Later in the show, we find out that the father of John B’s love interest killed his dad over conflicts surrounding the treasure they had found. However, at the end of the third season we see a shot of Big John, alive and well in Barbados. 

Knowing this, I counted down the days until the third season dropped. I was waiting and waiting until I could see John B reunite with his dad. When the trailer came out, I was ecstatic to see Big John was present in the season. So it’s safe to say when the first episode released, I let out a sigh of relief when it was hinted that the reunion would be happening soon. 

We learn this season that John B’s dad used to call him home using a bell. So, to get John B back to him, his dad found a church bell and rang it for what seemed like a whole episode. I’ll be totally honest, it got old very fast. I would dread it when they showed a shot of Big John because it meant listening to him complain and ring the bells.

The annoyances didn’t stop there. 

At the end of episode two, audiences finally get the confirmation that the father-son duo will be reuniting. But, even their return to each other was anything but satisfying. While watching it,m my friends and I were genuinely screaming “GO”, urging John B to just go meet up with his dad. For a minute, it was nice. Then I figured out just how annoying Big John was. 

As soon as they started heading back to the Outer Banks, I realized he was genuinely not a good father to John B. Throughout the season, Big John cares more about finding treasure than caring for his son, even though they have just been reunited. Within the first episode of his return, he kills two people in front of his son. You can just tell John B is fed up. Big John even tries to make his son rob an elderly woman at gunpoint so he can figure out where the next treasure is. 

Personally, Big John’s return has just brought frustration to me. He could honestly, for me, be the worst character. I was so excited, but was almost immediately met with regret. To be fully honest, I think John B’s dad should’ve stayed in the imaginary grave. What are your thoughts on Big John’s return? 

Franki is a sophomore at UCF majoring in Journalism with a minor in Sports Business Management! When not writing, she can be seen listening to Gracie Abrams, Taylor Swift, or Harry Styles, watching a hockey game, reading a Jane Austen novel, or spending time at a Disney Park!