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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Charming, funny and a collegiate athlete? Sounds like Joe Delinks is the winner in this week’s Campus Cutie selection!

Full Name: Joseph Charles Delinks
Year: 5th year senior
Major: Environmental Studies with a Biology Minor
Hometown: Cape Cod, Massachusetts

Why did you come to UCF?
I came to UCF to play for the Men’s Tennis Team. I wanted to go to school somewhere in the south to escape the cold.

How long have you played tennis?
I started playing when I was five years old. I finished my four years of collegiate tennis this past spring.

Three words to describe yourself?
I would say I’m energetic, adventurous and kind-hearted. 

What are you most passionate about?
I am most passionate about fishing and hunting. I live for offshore fishing and the adventures that come with it.

What do you find most attractive in a girl?
I find athleticism, a good sense of humor and classiness to be the most attractive qualities in a girl.

Celebrity crush?
Anne Hathaway in the latest Batman movie.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I see myself hopefully graduating veterinary school and practicing medicine in a city I’ve never lived in before.

What’s your dream job?
My dream job would be to be a fighter pilot or an astronaut. Everyday would be a new adventure. I’d love to get my recreational pilot license someday.

What would be your ideal day?
That’s a tough one. If I had to choose, I’d love to spend the day in New Zealand with my friends and family exploring the wilderness.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
“Strength and honor” – Maximus Aurelius

Thanks for chatting with us, Joe! 

Nicholas Osler graduated from the University of Central Florida in 2014 with a degree in Interpersonal/Organizational Communication. Connect with him on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/nicholasosler