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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

In the past year, bullet journals have been a new form of expression and organization. They allow you to showcase your creative side, become more successful in reaching your goals and help you grow as a person. In this article, I’m going to show you how to start a bullet journal and why it can make your life so much easier.


Bullet journals are specific. They have small dots arranged in a grid pattern throughout the page (called bullets). This makes it easier to create spreads and draw different sections on the page.


Here are some great bullet journals that are inexpensive and pretty: Galaxy Dotted Grid Journal; Marble and Gold Sketchbook (not dotted).

You should also invest in some stickers or colored markers. Ultimately, any art supplies can work in order to decorate your journal. This makes it more personalized and exciting.

How to Begin

Now that you have gathered your supplies, it’s time to get a better idea of what exactly goes into your journal. Just like any book, you want to start off with a Table of Contents. This allows you to quickly navigate through your journal and results in less stress. You also want to create calendars and to-do lists. This keeps you accountable for your tasks and gives you a more visual view of what lies ahead. Bullet journals are great organizational tools for this reason.

You also want to include different spreads to give your journal more variety. I have included several ideas to get you started. The possibilities are endless and you can essentially add in whatever you would like!

Spread Ideas

Habit tracker.

This is a perfect visual to either help you create new habits or get rid of old ones. For example, in my bullet journal, I created several new habits that I wanted to establish for myself: drink at least four glasses of water a day, go to the gym more often, and smile in the mirror every morning. They are incredibly simple and can help create a healthier lifestyle.


Book or movie list.

Compile a list of all the books or movies you want to see or list some of your favorites. If you’re ever in the mood for a movie night or just want to sit down with a good book, you can always refer back to your list.

Travel page.

This spread will most likely instill some wanderlust in you. Create a page that showcases the places you’ve been and the places you want to go. As a bonus, add in a favorite memory of each place to make it more personalized.

Overall, bullet journals are an exciting addition to your life. They are incredibly fun to write or draw in and they give you a sense of accomplishment. Although keeping up with one can be time-consuming, it is most definitely worth it at the end. You become more organized which can lead to greater success in the future. And most importantly, have fun with it.

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Monique is a student studying Advertising/Public Relations with a minor in Political Science at the University of Central Florida. She avidly enjoys reading, writing, and being with friends and family. She is part of several organizations on campus that are helping her promote positive change and unleash her creativity.
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