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How To Overcome Your Fear Of Dating

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Dating is generally one of two things: dreadful or exciting. Whether it’s the fear of talking with food stuck between your teeth or an awkward conversation of how the weather is, dating is not always the thrill one hopes for.

Having that said, there’s no need for pessimism here. A fear of dating is very understandable. Dating someone new can be nerve-wracking. From choosing what you wear to the embarrassing stories you volunteer, there is no wonder why people stress out about dating. Here are some tips on overcoming the toxic fear of the dating world.

1) Be Talkative
No one likes when a date goes wrong. Weak conversations often cause a date to spiral downward. Even though bringing up topics can be difficult, it makes the date more relaxing and interesting. Talk about work, your major, family, or hobbies. Consider how long you’ve been alive and all the experiences you’ve had. There’s got to be plenty of fabulous or entertaining anecdotes for a date.

2) Take Interest In Your Date
Just because you should be talkative, doesn’t mean you should dominate the conversation. The last thing someone wants is to hear his or her date brag about every accomplishment. Just like you should talk about your life, you should ask your date about theirs. Ask about their family or school. Maybe even ask what sports they’re into. You’re interested in this person for a reason. Figure out more about them.

3) Don’t Worry About Your Appearance
We all have insecurities about our appearance, but don’t bring that into a date. The truth is, most men don’t obsess over women’s clothing. If they do, it sounds like your date watches too many Queer Eye for the Straight Guyreruns. Dress at your most comfortable (as long as that doesn’t include sweatpants). Wear an outfit that makes you look great and gives you confidence. Don’t dress as if you’re two bucks a dance. That’s an implication that you should generally avoid. If you flaunt your confidence, your date will love you as much as your amazing appearance.

4) Be Spontaneous
Sometimes a little spontaneity is the perfect thing to spark interest in a date. From personal experiences, my best dates involve my guy and me randomly wandering somewhere (by car or foot) and simply talking. I found it’s a lot more laid back than going to dinner and there’s a bigger opportunity to talk compared to watching a movie.

5) Relax and Have Fun
Some dates are good and others are bad. At the end of the day, it’s just one date. If you stress too much about it, there’s no way you’ll have enough fun! Take the time to enjoy yourself and get to know someone new or see someone you do know in a different light. Don’t bring the worry and pessimism into the date. Be silly, be carefree, and be yourself. 

Nicholas Osler graduated from the University of Central Florida in 2014 with a degree in Interpersonal/Organizational Communication. Connect with him on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/nicholasosler