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How to be the Best Social Media Stalker

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

If you have ever said you don’t stalk using social media, you are a liar point blank. All girls do it. Even guys occasionally stalk girls. There are so many reasons why girls get the urge to stalk. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a guy or a girl, we stalk every social media there is to find out anything and everything about them. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Ask.fm, and if you want to go further, I’m sure the person you are stalking never deleted their Myspace account. You’re welcome.

Social media is a tool to spy, but when it comes to being the best social media stalker, you must take precautions. Don’t stalk someone’s profile when you are in class or in a public place because you never know who’s snooping over your shoulder.

For one, you don’t want others to think you are a nosy person, even though you are. And two, you don’t know whether the guy or girl sitting behind you knows the person you are stalking. That would all end badly because they are obviously going to go back to their friend and tell them you are a psycho. Instead, pick a more secluded area like your bedroom.

Stalking individuals on social media can be hard due to those who keep their profiles private for only “friends” or “followers”, but sometimes there are ways around it. Say you just met this really cute guy, and he asked you out. Well you don’t want to go on the date unprepared, so you better grab your computer and get to stalking.

Step one, find him on Facebook. If his profile isn’t on private, then you just hit the jackpot! Start looking through his pictures, “likes” in the “About” box, statuses, who tags him in pictures and you may even find an old profile picture of his ex or worse, his current girlfriend. If you aren’t so lucky and come across someone with a private profile, you can still do a little bit of snooping.

Most people actually forget to put their mobile uploads and cover photos on private, which comes in handy for the stalker. In addition to that, you can always go through to see what friends you have in common, and most Facebook pages show “school” and “year graduated” so you can easily estimate their age.

When you’ve gotten through all the odds and ends of your target’s Facebook, it’s time to move on to Instagram! Instagram can be a little trickier when people have private profiles; when you are faced with one, you can’t see anything but their bio and their tiny circular profile photo. You can’t even see their followers or who’s following them.

If you really want to be an extreme social media stalker, there is a way around this! Create a fake account. Yep, I’m not kidding! If it’s a girl you are stalking, then find a picture of an attractive realistic male and put that as your profile picture and vice versa if you are stalking a guy. For most people, Instagram is all about how many followers and likes you can get.

So, if you request to follow the person you are stalking through that fake account, nine times out of ten they are going to accept you. Why? Because everyone loves receiving a new follower request. Once they accept you, you are free to explore their profile without them even knowing it’s you! Instead, they think it’s this very attractive guy or girl that thinks they’re cute. Make sure to delete your fake profile once you’ve spent time with them in person.

Twitter, oh Twitter. This is a place so many people can get really personal. Some use it as a place to post their random thoughts or feelings or use it as a way to fight with someone indirectly. Either way, it can be a really nice tool to get to know how someone may act or think.

If the profile isn’t on private, then you can see every tweet, picture, retweet, favorite, followers and those he follows without even having to follow him or her. If the profile is set to private, you may not be able to see who they are following, but you can see all the tweets they “favorite.” This is more than enough to satisfy your stalking needs.

If this is a potential boyfriend you are stalking, you can see if he’s favorited a certain girl’s tweets more than once. This may be a red flag or an indication of what he thinks is funny. People’s favorites are basically a way of getting a quick look at their personality ahead of time.

Ask.fm is just one big, easy stalking device in my opinion. You can simply ask the person you are stalking any question you want anonymously, and they’ll answer. Doesn’t get much simpler than that. For fun if you really want to dig into someone’s past, take a stroll through Myspace. I’m 99.9% sure that most guys and girls haven’t deleted their old Myspace accounts simply because Myspace faded into the background when Facebook came around.

Don’t use stalking as a creepy thing. Instead, view it as a screening tool. You are basically studying the person you have just met through public posts. Social media stalking is a safe alternative to that awkward first hangout. But if you want to make your life easier, you should get to know your target in person.

From Tampa, Florida
UCF Contributor