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Her Campus UCF Gives Back

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Tis’ the season to be thankful for all that we have and give back to those who don’t have as much. Her Campus UCF decided we needed to get involved in our community in Orlando and make a difference. We’re a team of 40 energetic, sociable college students eager to put a smile on everyone’s face. Volunteering at a soup kitchen seemed best fit for us because it was hands on and we could interact with people. On October 26th a group of 12 of us put on our aprons and gloves and went to the Daily Bread Christian Service Center in downtown Orlando.

As we drove up we could see the hundreds of people gathered around the building, many somber looking, patiently waiting to be let in for lunch. We walked in and were greeted by a group of older women there with their church group. They seemed to be quite intrigued by us bringing so much energy and happiness to a place that is often everything but. They continuously thanked us for coming because the more the merrier and it was clear they needed a lot of help. On a daily basis the center has over 300 people come for lunch and organizing meals can be very overwhelming.

We all stood in an assembly line, some putting sandwiches on the plates, some serving soup, and some handing the meals to the people. They were each given a ticket and then directed into a single file line to pick up their meal. Seeing women come in with their young children was almost unbearable but when the kid’s faces lit up when you handed them their cookie made everything worth it.

Volunteering at Daily Bread was an eye opening experience and really made us count our blessings. We have officially adopted it as our monthly charity work and can’t wait to go back. This time we’re bringing goodies for all of the kids.