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Her Campus Celeb: Ashleigh Taylor

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Meet Ashleigh Taylor! Ashleigh is involved in almost everything on campus from Greek life to Late Knights, she does it all. Ashleigh first showed her campus celeb status when she starred in the Homecoming Skit last year! Ashleigh is currently in her second year and a dedicated member of the social sorority, Alpha Epsilon Phi.

Year? Major?

I’m a sophomore majoring in Human Communications.


I’m from Jacksonville Florida.

When and how did you get involved with Late Knights?

To be honest, I got involved with late knights during my first days at UCF. I had joined my sorority, Alpha Epsilon Phi before the school year began and two of my sisters were on the executive board. Both of them would let me hang out in the Office of Student Involvement with them between my classes and then I began volunteering at their events by photographing everyone there. By Spring semester I was spending the full night with the executive board setting up, helping run the event and then tearing everything down. At the end of the year when I went to apply for the executive board myself, I had already experienced all aspects of the job and was so excited to get to put my own ideas in action!

Tell us a little about Late Knights.

Late Knights is a student run organization on campus that provides a safe place for students to come and enjoy unique and fun programming late at night when most places have closed their doors for the night. We hold themed events about once a month on a Friday night, where we provide entertainment such as pool parties, hypnotists, rock climbing walls, inflatables, raves, movies, carnival games–and anything in between! I love this organization because it encourages students to leave their dorms and create tradition and memories that are an important part of campus life.

Describe yourself in three words.

Passionate. Ambitious. Dreamer.

Any advice for underclassmen who want to get involved?

My advice to underclassmen is to like lots of UCF organizations on Facebook and keep up with the events that are going on. Sending a message or an email about getting involved goes a long way!

Looking to get involved with Late Knights? Email Ashleigh at lkad@ucf.edu

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