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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Before I could even talk, I was brought up watching Disney movies with princesses and princes. By the time I started primary school, I would spend my weekends watching romantic comedies with my mom. This was my main source of understanding what love was like. Bridget Jones was my love guru. 

Fast forward to college, where I found that if something slipped out of my hand, no handsome gentleman was picking it up. In the age of technology, I found that everyone I knew was on dating apps. It started out as a game, just to see if I could match with anyone, and swiping whenever I was bored. It quickly escalated to getting asked for my Snapchat and receiving unsolicited pictures and naughty messages. I was appalled and felt violated, to say the least. I was treated like a piece of meat, a warm body. 

I was in this constant tug of war with my heart and my body. Should I just hook up for the fun of it? Would I be okay with the aftermath? Everyone was doing it, and I thought there was something wrong with me. Why couldn’t I just bite the bullet and go over to his place? Deep down, I knew it wouldn’t feel right. Hooking up isn’t for everyone, and that’s okay. I might be the small majority that wants connection over just an initial attraction, but that’s okay. This is a new normal for some of us, and just because hooking up is okay with others doesn’t mean it’s weird to not do it. 

Unsplash/Ken Karampelas
It took time, but I realized it’s not a race. If it doesn’t feel right, don’t speed into something just because everyone is doing it. Forcing yourself to hook up just because you want to fit in will not only end in heartbreak, but you might regret it. 

If hooking up is not your cup of tea, you shouldn’t settle for it. As a fellow hopeless romantic, I know the hardship of finding a decent conversation with someone and connecting with them emotionally rather than through hormones, but one day someone will appreciate you for who you are. As they say, you sometimes need to kiss a bunch of frogs before you find your prince. 

Hannah enjoys romcoms, young adult fiction books, and binging Netflix shows. When she's not procrastinating, she finds herself writing stories as her dream is to become a published book author one day.