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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

To stay healthy, I always try and make my way across campus to the gym. We have an amazing gym with awesome workout machines. What’s not awesome about the gym? The other people. No one actually likes going to the gym. (You’re lying if you say you do.) But it should at least be a somewhat pleasant place to help distress our day. It’s nearly impossible for me to do that while I’m watching some of the horrific things other gym-goers do. There are some unwritten (but still enforced) rules that everyone should/needs to follow at the gym.

The worst and most unsanitary one that I unfortunately see way too often is not wiping off your machine after you’re done; just simply walking away leaving drips of sweat to dry. Why? That’s all I have to say about that one. It’s not like it’s a hard thing to do. There are wipe dispensers placed conveniently all over the gym floors. Nobody wants to use the machine if it’s covered in your sweat. If you’re a culprit of this vicious act, then think about this: Do you want to use a machine covered in my sweat?

Another observation I have made is those girls who go to the gym to basically look cute. Why even go to the gym if you’re just going to walk on a treadmill? It drives me crazy to see those girls whose hair and makeup looks like they just got home from a photo shoot. If you’re going to the gym, get messy and gross. That’s the point. After my workout I am sweaty with my hair all over the place, and I couldn’t feel any better. Want to know why? Because I didn’t just walk on a treadmill.

This is for all of you beefy guys: You’re not as attractive as you think. Maybe this is just another strong personal opinion of mine, but I have a hatred for those T-shirts craftily changed into tank tops. Also, your tribal tattoos do not impress anybody. However, it is a good thing that you boys are in the gym everyday; that shows dedication.

These are just a few of my long list of gym pet peeves. It would take you hours to read my whole list of reasons, so I’m just going to spare you. What you should have gotten from this article is that the gym is for working out and being healthy. Do not waste your time doing your makeup for the gym and try and be sanitary, please? The gym should be a stress reliever, not a stress enhancer. 

 Keegan is a sophomore at UCF majoring in Environmental Studies and is part of the HCUCF team as an editorial writer. Keegan is obsessed with all things Disney and is currently training for a marathon. If she survives, she will attend law school and dedicate her life to making the hospitality industry as environmentally friendly as possible. 
Nicholas Osler graduated from the University of Central Florida in 2014 with a degree in Interpersonal/Organizational Communication. Connect with him on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/nicholasosler