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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

I can’t be the only one who finds it fascinating to see the evolution of the eyebrow especially in conjunction with how eyebrows have had such an impact on the fashion and beauty industries. From classical brows, uni-brows, thin eyebrows, practically invisible eyebrows, insanely arched eyebrows to the insanely thick eyebrows. From drastic to moderate to drastic again this is the pattern the brow has seemed to repeat in history, continuously. Today, I feel as if the fashion and beauty world has finally found a perfect compromise of both (drastic and moderate) and it has lead us to the perfect set of brows. Here are a few steps to finding the perfect brow for you.

Start with identifying your shape of brow and finding the right tools to shape and fill them in.

Brush your brows upwards with either a brow grooming brush or a disposable mascara wand. Trim them so that are aligned.

Make sure the start of your brows meets right at the bridge of your nose.

Tweeze all stray hairs.

Use a precision eye brow pencil to fill in empty hair sections from the inner corner of the eye to the outer corner of the eye. There are other options for filling brows; you can use palette plates with a small angular brush, brow pads or brow gels.

After you have shaped, tweezed and filled, your eyebrows should look great. For a few tips: don’t overdo it, if your eyebrows aren’t naturally thick don’t go crazy with filling them in. If you’re brows are naturally thick don’t go too drastic with tweezing them. Finding your perfect brow is about complimenting your natural set of brows, so that they are perfect for you, embrace them!

UCF Contributor