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Don’t Let Him Forget You! Your GBFF Justin Explores First Impressions.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Dear Justin,
I’ve been going on dates this semester and meeting new guys at parties, outings, etc, but I guess my question is, what do I do to stand out from those other girls at the party – how do I leave that great first impression? They always say the first impression needs to be your best. Help me out!

Kristen! This is such a good question and I’m glad you sent it in. This is very true; your first impression is most definitely the most important and should be the best. Catching a guy’s attention and saying hello for the first time is pretty important – it sets the tone for the relationship and what’s to come. This first impression can leave you stuck in the “friend zone,” as I like to call it, or it can be routed towards a relationship. The “friend zone” is also accompanied by the “stuck up zone” that guys could classify you in – the latter isn’t very desirable place to be in, let’s tell you how to avoid it!
Friend Zone – This zone will have you stuck in the “just friends” category. For example, if you go ask a guy to chug a beer with you, he probably won’t consider you a future love prospect. Not saying this is a bad place to be at all, but not where you want to be, right?
Stuck Up – AVOID AT ALL COSTS. Every girl wants to be approached by that guy and swept off her feet. But let’s face it, you’re at a party and your dreamy soul mate probably isn’t attending. You never want to leave a guy thinking you’re stuck up; the easiest way to do that is to act uninterested if he comes up to you or you happen fall into conversation with one another. You may think this will spark a chase, but in reality, he’s going to go talk to a different girl at the party. Good intentions, but this route is a no-go.
The Key – Be yourself if you want to leave a good impression. What isn’t good about you? If you stumble over some words or accidentally let your clumsy side show and spill a drink, so what? You now have something to laugh about with him. A great smile, confidence, and eye contact is important. Positivity is attractive. Also, when leaving the party with your girls, say goodbye, touch him, be flirty. If you guys have drifted apart at the party, you need to make sure you go find him to say goodbye. You’re the girl that lights up a room. Let him know that light is leaving.
Thanks for your question Kristen!

If you’d like to see similar articles in the future, I’d absolutely love for you to ask me a question at yourfavoritegay@gmail.com. All questions are anonymous and Kristen really isn’t named Kristen. Don’t be shy!