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Dealing With “Frenemies”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Have you ever had that one person who you are forced to be around, who is so annoying that you literally want to slap her every time you see her? Yes, as collegiettes, we have all been there! The question is how to turn that “frenemy” into a friend, or at least someone you can stand.
If you are in a sorority, on a team, or a part of any group, you are constantly around the same people. If you and someone in your inner circle do not get along, it is hard to push that to the side. They may be in your group of friends, but not a personal friend. So you have to deal with this person on a regular basis without pulling your hair out first.
It’s hard to be friends with someone that you do not particularly like. But it’s even harder to deal with someone that you imagine punching in the face every five seconds.


You may think that the best way to act around this “frenemy” is to completely ignore them. That all may seem fine and dandy. Soon you will realize that it alone is not enough to fix your problem. You have to confront that person, or realize why you dislike them so much in the first place.
Sometimes it begins with a big argument that you two have that you never actually get over. Other times, this dislike stems from small things they do that get on your nerves. Whatever the case may be, you have a problem with them and you need to fix it. You have to face the facts and deal with it. In the long run, it could end up hurting you more than it does the other person. 
You are constantly fighting yourself as to why you dislike them so much. This means that you are not focusing on the most important person – you! Your “frenemy” may think that the two of you have a great relationship, so it is only you that has the problem.
Once you figure out what that problem is, it is time for you to confront it. If you are anything like me, you absolutely hate confrontation. As much as it sucks, it is one of the only ways you can make amends with your “frenemy.”
Talking things out and communicating with someone is the best way to go. Make sure that you approach them in a easy-going manner. It may be awkward, but if you tell them what your problem is (in a nice way), all can be well again. I am not saying that this is going to be your new best friend. I am saying that life will be a lot easier if you are not constantly annoyed with someone.
Chances are that you are going to have to deal with people like this all the time. Once you go out into the real world, you are going to have to be friends with tons of people that you are not particularly fond of. The only way to get past it is making sure that you are talking it out in a nice manner. It can make a huge difference in your life and be a huge burden off your shoulders! 

Nicholas Osler graduated from the University of Central Florida in 2014 with a degree in Interpersonal/Organizational Communication. Connect with him on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/nicholasosler