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Danielle Ashton Meade: Your UCF Senator

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Q: First, what is your name, major and hometown?
A: Danielle Ashton Meade, history with a minor in legal studies, Palm City, Florida (super small).

Q: What inspired you to become part of UCF SGA?
A: My great friend Arianna Young in Kappa Delta Sorority, we grew up together and she has spent her time at UCF as a student leader on this campus. Her passion and dedication to Student Government and senate encouraged me to be a part of such an important organization.

Q: What made you decide to run for senate?
A: Being a history major, I am a part of the College of Arts and Humanities, which is smaller compared to the other colleges on campus, and I knew that through senate I could serve as a voice for my fellow students and leave a legacy here on campus.

Q: What was your reaction when you found out you won?
A: Initially, when I decided to run for senate, I went in thinking that win or lose the whole campaign and application process would be a rewarding experience, however as I devoted more hours to campaigning and speaking with students I became more and more passionate about winning. I was too nervous to stand in front of the Student Union where they announced the election results, so I gathered around my laptop at Alpha Delta Pi with all my sisters to listen for my name, and when I heard them announce that I was victorious I started jumping up and down and dancing around the chapter room. It was so amazing being able to share this memory with all of my sisters who ran to embrace me. I am so thankful for their support throughout the week not only campaigning for me, but also for the Black and Gold ticket in general.

Q: What are your duties now that you’ve been elected onto the Senate?
A: As a senator, I am a part of the Legislative Branch of Student Government and I will get the opportunity to serve on various committees whose goal is to act in the best interest of the UCF student body. This coming weekend I will be attending Senate Retreat where I will learn more in depth about my role as a UCF Senator. I am looking forward to becoming more knowledgeable about my new duties as well as getting to know and learn from my fellow senators who’ve served on the 44th Senate.

Q: What are some things you plan to do as part of the Senate?
A: As a senator I want to make students more aware of the services available to them through Student Government, as well as bridge the gap between faculty and students to have a more cohesive academic community.

Q: A fun fact about you:
A: When I was 16, I lived in Europe for a period of time traveling from Italy to Greece and then Turkey.
I am also very passionate about Locks of Love…at 12 I was diagnosed with Alopecia Areata, which is a disease where my healthy antibodies attack themselves. Long story short, I lost almost all of my hair, and since middle school is already awkward enough for most kids, it was even worse having to hide that I was going bald. After months of treatment and over 250 injections into my scalp, all of my hair came back, which I then grew out and donated to Locks of Love, an organization that makes wigs for cancer and alopecia patients like myself.

Q: What are your plans after you graduate?
A: A few weeks back I took the October 6th LSAT, now I am waiting for my scores, but while I wait I am finishing up my applications for law schools in California and New York. I am very interested in pursuing a degree in Entertainment and Business Law.

Nicholas Osler graduated from the University of Central Florida in 2014 with a degree in Interpersonal/Organizational Communication. Connect with him on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/nicholasosler