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Custom PatchWERK

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

I was casually walking across the street toward memory mall, when out of the corner of my eye appeared a walking piece of art. At first, I was confused as to what drew my eyes to this collegiette, but maybe it was the uncertainty of her outfit that made it so appealing.

Heather makes patchwork WERK in this look of the week. Manager at Hardteeth Patches, she is constantly finding new ways to implement her custom printed patches into one-of-a-kind pieces of art. Once they are patched up and studded out, she sells them on websites like Etsy.

We’ve seen many variations of patchwork in fashion over the years, but this is a new and innovative approach to an age-old trend. Heather even makes pieces customized to your specific style, creating pretty much anything imaginable.

Fashion is more than “just clothes,” it’s a form of art, and this collegiette proves just that. Heather has found a way to express her individuality and display her artwork like a walking exhibit. She even makes patches with prints of her original paintings and drawings. If you like this look, help out a fellow Knight and get something unique to add to your wardrobe! 

Matt Fultz is a sophomore studying Marketing and Magazine Journalism. He is currently the official fashion blogger of Her Fashion and contributing writer for HCUCF. After college, Matt hopes to work for a fashion magazine in NYC and gain a reputation as a fashion photographer. Follow Matt on Twitter: @MattWFultz for fashion updates and more! 
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