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Could Your Best Guy Friend Be Your Leading Man?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

You go out to lunch with your best guy friend, just to catch up. You hear little old ladies passing by saying, “Oh, what a cute couple!” You look at each other and laugh. It’s not the first time you’ve heard that.
Something big happens. That job you’ve been dying to get finally got back to you and told you that you’re exactly what they’re looking for. After calling the parents, you speed dial your best guy friend. He’s the only other person you couldn’t wait to tell.

Yes, he’s your best friend. Yes, he’s listened to all of your awful first date stories, and you’ve heard all about his dates with the flavor of the week. You’ve also judged each other’s significant others. It’s almost more frightening bringing your potential new boyfriend to meet your BGF (Best Guy Friend) then bringing him home to meet the parents! You find yourself bragging about how amazing your BGF is to your girlfriends but refuse to hook any of them up with your coveted man.
Newsflash, girls! Your BGF might have each and every quality you look for in a man. Even better, he might be the man you’re looking for, but you have him stuck in the ever-so-dreaded FRIEND ZONE. Every girl fears that friendship turned relationship, and rightfully so. That awesome friendship can go right down the drain with a bad breakup. But there’s that chance that it might go the complete opposite way, and you might end up really and truly marrying your best friend.
So, here’s a list of things that could help YOU determine if your BGF could be the man of your dreams:

1.      The first person you call after a date is your BGF. Call your girlfriends. Call your sister. Tell your roommates. There’s a list of people you can call about your date. If your BGF is the first one on the list, this is sign number one he may be your more than just a friend.
2.      You judge your BGF’s dates worse than you judge everyone else. Own up to it ladies, we all tend to judge. I feel like it’s almost second nature to us. If you’re analyzing your BGF’s date every word and move, you’ve got it bad.
3.      You have a list of qualities your BGF’s leading lady must have. These are the non-negotiable things your BGF’s woman must have. Check over your list and think about yourself. I guarantee she’s you!
4.      His parents love you and they make it known. Parental approval is HUGE. When you’re at family dinners and his parents make it known that they love you, that’s another check on the list that your BGF could be your man.
5.      Nicknames. Need I say anymore? If you and your BGF have pet names for each other, nothing can get more couple-ish than that.

So, just remember, don’t be afraid to take your BGF out of the friend zone. Donna and David of the old-school Beverly Hills, 90210 tried and succeeded. Who knows, maybe you could too!