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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Knights fans go hard. And by hard, I mean they’ll wait in a three-hour line in the blazing hot sun just to watch the UCF football team play. If you attended the Stanford v. UCF game on September 14, then you know what I’m talking about. If you weren’t in attendance, then you’ll just have to take my word for it: that line was long. The line is just one of a few problems people have been noticing about the Knightmare Student Section recently.

Lately, the student section has been completely filling up—which is great! Although it means that not all students who want to attend the game are able to. This wouldn’t be such an issue if the students who made it into the game actually stayed to watch it, but so many seem to be leaving before half-time. Honestly though, its hard to blame them. The long wait leading up to the game itself is exhausting, especially if you spend it waiting in a crowded line in the blistering heat. 

The masses have taken to Twitter to point out these areas that could use some improvement and possible solutions. After Saturday’s game, this Twitter exchange occured between a concerned fan and Danny White, the head of the UCF Athletic Department.


Also this…




Based on his responses, it’s safe to say Danny White isn’t ignoring these problems. It looks like we can expect some changes to the student line system coming soon; however, we can’t ignore the fact no solution will be perfect. If we do enact a “fast pass” system, we put students who were unable to attend a game at a disadvantage when it comes to getting into the following one. It’s definitly not impossible though; schools like Alabama are already using a system similar to this, rewarding those students who stick it out until the end of the game. 

There’s no doubt that the UCF students are valued by Josh Heupel, Danny White and the entire UCF football team, which is why I’m not surprised that our concerns are being heard and addressed. Rumor has it we should be seeing some developments with the student entry by the September 28 UConn v. UCF game. But until then…Go Knights, Charge On!

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Cara is a senior studying advertising-public relations with minors in mass culture and collective behavior and entrepreneurship at the University of Central Florida. She finds peace in yoga and Insomnia Cookies. Most days you can find her studying at a coffee shop or exploring Winter Park. When not in class, she spends her time traveling with her family, playing board games or curled up watching New Girl. Her prized possession (and best friend) is her cat. To follow her selfies and adventures, you can check her out on Instagram @carajacc!
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