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Can We Sleep Together Yet?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

In dating, there are many things you have to figure out. The most obvious and most ambiguous is how long should you wait before sleeping with a guy? There is no specific rule stating that the third date is the time to invite him into your place. Things were much simpler in high school when if you slept with someone before your sixth month anniversary it was considered scandalous. But in college, people are sleeping together without being in a committed relationship. So I’m going to help you answer the timeless question, can we sleep together yet?

There are many different types of sexual escapades, rather it is a one-night stand, friends with benefits, or you’re in a committed relationship. Either way, you still have to figure out the first time you start your sexual relationship. If you’re talking about a one-night stand then it is pretty self-explanatory. You can have one with a stranger or your best friend. Either way, the meaning is clear – it only happens once and is usually not planned. Friends with benefits are similar to a one-night stand. You’re only really in it for the sex – otherwise you would be dating. So you shouldn’t worry about the impression it says about you the first time you sleep with your friend because the whole relationship is based on a physical attraction.
When you’re in a relationship it can get a little tricky. You’re dating this person because you really like them and you care about what they think about you. If you start sleeping with him to soon you fear he may think you are easy, or if you wait too long then you’re a nun. My suggestion is wait about 3 weeks to a month into the relationship. It is college and people are hooking up all the time, but I think if you wait a little bit when your relationship with this person is stronger, it makes a difference.
But in the end it really depends on how you feel. If you’re comfortable sleeping with someone on the third date then by all means do so. It is your life and no one can tell you what you’re comfortable with. I just hope you wont give in to the pressures of college and start a sexual relationship if you aren’t ready. There is no problem waiting if you want to. But always remember whenever you are in a physical relationship to use protection and be safe. Otherwise, it’s up to you.