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Campus Celeb: Theresa Joseph

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

I had the pleasure of meeting the beautiful Theresa Joseph while pledging AKPsi at UCF. She is a very smart young woman who does it all! From having two majors, to being part of the e-board of three different business organizations, she is the closest anyone can get to superwoman! We’ve chosen her as our campus celeb, keep reading and get to know more about her! 

Her Camus UCF (HCUCF): Hi TJ, tell our readers a little more about your majors? 

Theresa Joseph (TJ): I’m a junior at UCF majoring in Marketing and Finance. 

HCUCF: With your two majors, do you have time to be involved on campus?

TJ: Of course! I am a Student Ambassador for UCF College of Business, VP of Marketing and Financial Management Association, and VP of Professional Development of Alpha Kappa Psi Professional Business Fraternity. 

HCUCF: Wow! That’s awesome! Do you have a favorite UCF memory?

TJ: My freshman year, I volunteered to be a zombie for a haunted walk at Lake Claire hosted by Campus Actvities Board (UCF’s version of Halloween Horror Nights). I scared the living daylights out of groups of UCF students at a time and it was hilarious! Halloween is my favorite!

HCUCF: Now, I know what you did last summer! Can you tell us more about that? 

TJ: I was fortunate enough to be offered a Financial Analyst Co-Op position with NASA at the Kennedy Space Center. I had an incredible summer and felt like I was really making a difference. I’m passionate towards space exploration and broadening humanity’s horizons as we know it. 

HCUCF: You are truly amazing, TJ! But I have to ask the real question… are you single?? 

TJ: Haha, yes, I’m single. 

*Side note: You’re welcome, guys… 

HCUCF: Finally, what are your hobbies? 

TJ: I’m a huge Spotify user and I love listening to all kinds of music as well as, finding new music. I’m clasically trained in violin but I’m known to also listen to Biggie Smalls, LOL.

Thank you so much, Theresa! You’re truly a role model for other students. Continue being awesome! 

I'm Alejandra but they call me Ally! I'm a senior at UCF and a Marketing/Social Media lover who for some strange reason, decided to major in Psychology. I love ice cream and long walks on the beach with my dog, Bronny! When I'm not on Snapchat, you can meet me at my internship (where I do a lot of social media) or hanging out with my fraternity brothers (yes, it's co-ed and yes, we do call each other brothers) and lately, writing for HerCampus at your nearest Starbucks! 
UCF Contributor