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Campus Celeb: Casey Field

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

If you’ve met Casey Field, you’re one lucky Knight! This über-involved dancing queen has been involved with 4EVER KNIGHTS, the College of Business Ambassadors, President’s Leadership Council, LEAD Scholars, Volunteer UCF, and RUKUS ENTERTAINMENT! She’s one of the kindest and most inspiring women on campus, and has a way of making everyone she meets feel special. Here’s Casey!

Her Campus UCF: Hey Casey! You’ve been super involved at UCF! What has been the most rewarding part of holding so many leadership positions for you?

Casey Field: Being able to inspire other students and to build UCF. It’s a super new campus compared to other colleges, so people in leadership really get to make the changes that we are seeing every day and enable other people to lead as well. 

HCUCF: Would you say that you love UCF?

CF: I LOVE UCF! More than any other school ever!

HCUCF: If you had to chose one thing thats your favorite thing about UCF, what would it be?

CF: I feel like its cheesy, but I would say opportunity and growth. The biggest takeaway I have from campus is when we’re sitting in an empty room with the Dean (Jarley, of the College of Business) and a whiteboard, and we come up with events that can involve over 3,000 people. Doing stuff that allows so many people to step outside of the classroom and the new culture we’ve been able to start in the College of Business is really cool. 

HCUCF: That’s so happy! So when you have free time, what do you like to do with it?

CF: DANCE! And sing in the shower, and watch the sunset. And take random pictures of sunsets.

HCUCF: Describe yourself in three words.

CF: Ambitious, too nice. I don’t want that to sound bad! (cue three minutes of laughter from both Casey and Maddie)

Author’s note: I cannot say enough great things about Casey Field, she is an amazing leader and an even better friend. Vote Casey Field for Homecoming Queen this week on MyUCF!

Images via Facebook.

Maddie is a senior Marketing major at UCF. When she's not writing for Her Campus or her personal blog, you can find her hanging out at Fashion Club or in OSI working on the Mr. and Miss UCF shows. Despite popular belief, Maddie isn't actually the tallest girl in the world. If you're wondering where you've seen her before, it was most likely at a #UCFBusiness event. Maddie enjoys loud pop music, scented candles, and any food with sprinkles on top. She often discusses the SNL cast as if it is a sports team, and likes to pretend that this is endearing. Follow Maddie on Instagram and Twitter!