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Bored of Your Love

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Men are like accessories. You love to look at them, even have them, but after awhile those same gorgeous earrings you couldn’t live without are now pushed to the back of the jewelry box, only to be thought of once in awhile. Why does this happen? After a period of time, we get bored of the same thing; we want something new and fresh. Just like those earrings that start to lose their spark after some time, this same thing can be said of relationships. When you’re with the same person for a long time, you may find that your relationship has started to resemble a routine. Long gone are those butterflies you used to get in your stomach when you saw he texted you and those dates when he would wine and dine you. Instead, your dates insist of Chinese take-out and a movie. And if you’re lucky, he will throw something in the oven to spice things up. So how do you get those feelings of excitement and romance back?

While your boyfriend may be content with the same old thing, let him know if you aren’t. He might not realize that something is wrong if you never communicate this to him. You may need to remind him of the passionate relationship you once shared. He needs to be showing you how special he thinks you are. Suggest that you go on a date night where you go somewhere new and different. Or even take a trip. Maybe it’s the environment you are in that’s becoming all too familiar and not him. If you don’t have the extra cash to go on elaborate dates or vacations, then be creative. Even the little things can make all the difference – such as a surprise homemade dinner.
But, ladies, we have to admit this isn’t just his fault. Whoever said it’s up to just the man to make your relationship work? The both of you need to put forth the effort into rekindling the spark you first felt when you met. So if he’s not taking the initiative, then you should. Do something special for him and remind him why he loves you. And if he doesn’t respond the way you want, then maybe now’s the time to reevaluate your relationship and see if he’s worth it.
As much as it might be too early to be thinking of this, there are certain milestones that are going to shake things up. If you and you significant other have been dating for a couple of years, then you may already be starting to think about marriage. Just because things are a bit dull now, there are things to look forward to. After marriage, the next logical step is children, and they will definitely be keeping you on your toes. So while times may be a little repetitive and simple, if you really love your boyfriend, then have some patience. Because years later when you’re juggling work and sticky children, you’re going to look back on these days and wish that they were back.