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Back to School with a Better You

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

When August 22nd rolled around on the calendar, it was kind of like a love/hate relationship. Sure, I was excited to go to my classes, wear my cute first day of school outfit, and color code everything in my Lilly planner. I was not so excited to get back into the routine of doing homework, reading textbooks, and being stuck in the same old school routine as I was last year. Granted we’ve been back in school for almost a month now, for many of us, it may just feel like another school year, stuck in the same routine.

I don’t know about most of you, but I get bored with the same routine day after day. We all need to do something to shake it up a bit. Don’t worry, girls. I have come up with plenty of ideas to help you add something new to your routine, which can in the long run, help you!

Hit the gym. Some of you do this already, but others need a bit of motivation. The gym is a great place to relieve stress and meet people. Going with a partner always makes it more enjoyable! For those of you who already have the gym in your daily routines, try mixing it up by attending a class or picking up a game of basketball on the courts. Not only will hitting the gym make you feel less stressed, but you will also have a great, healthy body. It’s a win-win situation.

Treat yourself. After a productive week, we could all use a little retail therapy. If it’s been an extremely stressful week, relax with a pedicure at a local nail salon. If you did great on a test and have been dying for a new Lilly coozie, go buy it! Rewarding yourself is not a crime, especially when you’ve worked so hard.

Try something new. That’s what this article is about, isn’t it? But really, pick up something you are not so familiar with.  Buy a cookbook and teach yourself. It may be disastrous, but at least you learn. If you have more pictures than you know what to do with, pick up scrapbooking. It’s a fun way to preserve all of your memories and show off your creative side. Whatever you decide to pick up, it will be a learning experience, and in every learning experience, you always learn something new about yourself.

Get involved. We all attend one of the largest universities in the country, and by getting involved, you make your university that much smaller. If you are Greek, sign up to chair something. With as many events as Greeks put on, there is a chair for just about everything! Don’t be afraid to take charge and show off your leadership skills. Plus, this new task will add something to your resume! If you aren’t Greek, there are other ways to get involved! Join clubs that have to do with your major. Get involved with Student Government. The list can go on and on.

These are just a few ideas to spice up your life now that we are all back to school and hitting the books. So, next time you are sick of being stuck in the same old slump, mix it up!