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Amber Rose’s Walk of No Shame: Slut or Pioneer?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

We know the voluptuous Amber Rose as Wiz Khalifa’s ex-wife and the mother of their son, Cameron. However, Amber Rose is more than an ex-wife and a sex symbol, Amber Rose is an empowering feminist. Recently, Funny or Die posted a YouTube video named Walk of No Shame with Amber Rose, where she is commended and respected for having had a one night stand the previous night. The video is satirical as well as a completely backwards representation of society’s reaction to women openly having sexual relations; it demonstrates the big deal that people make out of women having sex. During the video, Rose is congratulated for having a one night stand the night before, her actions were celebrated and respected. The end of the video consists of Matt McGorry, her partner from that night, coming up to her telling her, “You forgot to leave your number.” She replies with a confused, yet sassy, “No, I didn’t.”

This video begs several questions. Is there anything really wrong with females having one night stands, as long as they are being safe? Is masculinity so fragile that men can’t accept a free spirit? Is there a right way to live as a woman? Is a woman’s self respect determined by how many sexual partners she has had? Why is female sexuality so often talked about, but never defended? Men and women alike slut shame women for having more than or even one sexual partner, and will applaud a man for engaging in various sexual encounters; Amber Rose’s video tackles this sexual double standard. Her message is not to encourage promiscuity among women of all ages, but to encourage our entire population to be as accepting of female sexuality as it is of male sexuality.

This wouldn’t be the first time Rose takes misogyny head-on, either. At the 2015 VMA’s, Amber Rose and Blac Chyna sported skin-tight body suits decorated with derogatory words used to describe today’s sexually open woman. The outfits stirred controversy because, well, these women are mothers. Rose and Chyna only wanted to demonstrate that women can be good mothers and have a good time. Nobody bashes the male artists that rap and boast about half naked women dancing for money, or about selling drugs and having sex with multitudes of women. Rose has taken it upon herself to raise awareness for these social issues; her Amber Rose Slut Walk is a charity/event that raises money for victims of slut shaming and rape, and HIV testing. Amber Rose is an advocate for women, and she is more than the derogatory words on her body suit, all sexual women are.





Alannah Flores is a freshman Journalism major at UCF. She enjoys singing in UCF's Glee Club, working out, and macaroni and cheese anything. Alannah revels in controversy and likes shows like Law and Order: SVU, How To Get Away with Murder, OITNB, and Dexter. Her absolute favorite things are anything pink that doesn't resemble clothing, the R&B singer Miguel, and listening to herself talk.
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