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Alternatives to Partying

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Dinner on a Dime

There’s something to be said about those cozy nights in.  Albeit they are scattered sparsely through your calendar, the moments are treasured when the night is yours and yours alone.  The opportunities are endless; the DVD collection could be dusted off, tea could be made, friends could be invited over, that book you’ve been dying to read all semester could finally be opened.
But to start?  Dinner.  Microwavable foods are a staple item in the diet of most, including myself. Lean Cuisine, and Pizza Rolls are favorites returned to repeatedly when the semester snowballs, and eating is a mere afterthought.  However, tonight that is not the case. Tonight is your night, and a microwavable meal is just not going to quench your appetite.  Tonight, it’s Eggplant Parmesan and Angel Hair Pasta, and more likely than not, you can work with what you have in the house.  Only one extra grocery item needed: Eggplant. 

What You’ll Need:
1.       An Eggplant or Two (depending on how many you’re serving)
2.      Progresso Italian Style Bread Crumbs
3.      Three to Five Eggs
4.      Red Sauce
5.      Mozzarella Cheese
6.      Angel Hair Pasta
7.      Vegetable Oil
8.      Grated Parmesan Cheese
9.      A great station on Pandora
First, select your favorite Pandora station on your laptop, and bring it with you into the kitchen. Lack of proper music hinders any cooking experience. Next, peel the Eggplant, and then cut the Eggplant into long strips.  After you have the strips laid out on a plate, pour the vegetable oil into a frying pan, and switch the heat setting to medium.  In a bowl, crack the eggs and stir with a fork.  In a separate bowl, pour bread crumbs.  Also, bring water to a boil for the Angel Hair Pasta on a different burner.
After the pan has heated sufficiently, take a strip of the Eggplant and dip it in the egg mixture, coating only lightly; follow by dipping into the breadcrumbs, and be sure that it is coated evenly.  After this, place on the frying pan on a medium setting and repeat until the pan is full. 
After the first side has browned, flip and cook the opposite side.  After they are done, layer the red sauce, and sprinkle with cheese.  I like Mozzarella, but any kind will work.

When the Angel Hair pasta has finished boiling, remove and drain, and then spread the leftover sauce over the pasta. Again, sprinkle with cheese of choice.  I chose Grated Parmesan Cheese.

Then put on your favorite TV show, snuggle up on the couch, and get comfy.  Enjoy great food in the solace of your home, without the cost of take-out. The dish is easy to multiply or lessen depending on how many people you’re feeding. 

Invite some friends over, and ask them to bring dessert to add to the atmosphere.  The best therapy for any situation is always good company and good food.   

Oh, and the best part of this dish are the leftovers the next day.

Make tonight a night for yourself.