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7 Ways To Make Halloween the Most Memorable One Yet

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

We can’t deny that Halloween is one of the best nights of the year. It’s the one time of the year when it’s acceptable to let our freak flags fly, running the streets as someone or something else for the night. But as we grow up it gets less acceptable to trick-or-treat. At this age, Halloween can be celebrated or ignored; it is what we make of it. There are many ways to make the night just as exciting as it was when we were children. Try these things to make your Halloween the most memorable one yet:

Treat Someone Else
It’s difficult to accept the fact we are just too old to go door-to-door trick or treating. Instead of collecting candy, be the one to give it out! Trick-or-treating hours normally range from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m., so you will have plenty of time to attend Halloween parties after. Buy your favorite candy and be sure to dress up! Your house has potential to be the talk of the block.

Carve Pumpkins
A Halloween without carving pumpkins is like a Christmas without decorating a tree. There are countless ways to carve/decorate your pumpkin. Click here to explore some pumpkin carving ideas.

Go Haunted House Hunting
There’s nothing like the thrill of running through a haunted house to find safety. Every fall, Universal Studios Orlando puts on Halloween Horror Nights. The park is full of spine-chilling haunted houses with uniquely horrifying themes. This event runs on select nights until October 31. Check around your community to see if there are any haunted set-ups. Prepare to be frightened!

Go to a Halloween Party
At this age, going to a Halloween party is the closest opportunity we have to trick or treating. We are given the opportunity to dress in costume and make mischief with our best friends. During this season, many parties take place leading up to Halloween itself. If invited to multiple parties, just switch around costumes amongst your friends!

Make Your Costume
Who wants to wear a costume that multiple people will be repping this Halloween? Make your own costume and get creative. It is an inexpensive and fun way to embrace your inner fashion designer and help you get into character. Your costume will be the center of attention and you won’t have to worry about a “who wore it better” scenario.

Have some tricks up your sleeve
Who doesn’t love a little Halloween Humor? If you enjoy cracking jokes, click here to freshen up your act. Your friends won’t be able to get enough and you’ll be the life of the party

Eat more Candy
C’mon now, it’s Halloween! The one time of year in which it is acceptable to eat as many sweets as your stomach can handle. Health nuts that try to keep away from sugar, indulge for the day! Would you skip out on Thanksgiving dinner because you were trying to watch your figure?

Nicholas Osler graduated from the University of Central Florida in 2014 with a degree in Interpersonal/Organizational Communication. Connect with him on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/nicholasosler