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The 7 Types of Guys You’ll Meet in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

You come to college thinking that you left all of those unworthy, non-dateable boys back in highschool. Well, sorry to say that they never really get better. If you’re a social butterfly, then you may have already flown right into the trap of some of these certain young mens’ desirabel qualities. If you are usually more hesitant when it comes to the male gender, then take as many notes as you can. We can’t help who we fall for, but we can be aware of what we’re getting ourselves into!

1. The Frat Star

Commonly found at the bar double-fisting beer, the frat star is always having a good time. He can easily be spotted wearing Sperry’s, khaki shorts, and a Polo shirt. When it comes to girls, jealousy is rarely an issue because he already has his eyes on the next one. If you’re looking for a serious relationship, the frat star is not for you. If you’re trying to go to formal, then turn on the charm ladies!


2. The Juice Head

You can find him at the gym with a protein shake in hand and a cutoff t-shirt that may or may not be a little too tight. If you have a sweet tooth, or just love to eat in general, beware of bringing your food around this guy. During bulking season he won’t hesitate to scarf down your sub in one bite. During cutting season he will feel no shame in reprimanding you for bringing Oreo’s around him. Above all, lifting takes place in his heart as #1. So, unless you like spending your time talking about the gains or sharing your snacks, steer clear. 


3. The Hipster

This boy knows how to rock a beanie, give off those chill vibes, and skateboard his way right into your heart. Well known as “perfect Tumblr guy,” the hipster is easy on the eyes and ever so dreamy. The downside – he puts all of his energy into everything BUT school. The hipster is not the guy for you if you want something more than just a unique way to pass the time. 


4. The Bad Boy

Every girl goes through the phase of wanting to be with the bad boy. You can never pin-point what exactly it is that attracts you to him, but you don’t really care. Maybe it’s the leather jacket. Maybe it’s that cunning and witty personality. Maybe it’s because you want to finally do something that is wild and crazy and you know he will be right there with you making sure you don’t chicken out this time. Most likely it’s the fact that he never truly shows that he’s into only you so you obsessively chase after him. Sure, the bad boy will always make an appearance, but don’t get attached. He is just a phase and nothing more!


5. The Smart Guy

Born with no choice but to strive to be the next Einstein, the smart guy is emotionally and physically attached to his school work. His idea of fun is doing timed math problems and spending endless hours in the library. Sure he may go out sometimes, but it’s only about once a semester. Far from a geek, the smart guy can appear normal to the human eye. Once you start having conversations that only revolve around school and current events, that’s when you know you’ve come across this rare breed.


6. The Athlete

Aside from the amazing body, the athlete is dedicated and hard-working. He puts his heart into his sport, so he will put his heart into a relationship, right? Wrong. When he isn’t at practice or a game, he is trying to catch up on school work or participate in team boding. Let’s not talk about how messed up his sleep schedule is (nap, anyone?) Sure, you may pride yourself on dating the star athlete of your university, but why willingly allow yourself to be a second priority? 


7. The Guy Best Friend

Ah, the one and only guy best friend. We all wish for one. We all say they will be less drama. We all spend our time looking for the perfect one. Well, when you find him, hold on to him. He likes you for you and drops everything in a split second to be by your side. He listens, tells you the advice you need to hear instead of want to hear, and always has your best interest at heart. Most importantly, he is there even when you push him away. This may start out as a best friendship, but if you are willing to look past the stereotype, it could turn into a lasting relationship. As the saying goes, the good guy always wins! 

Shannon is a Junior at UCF studying Communications and Magazine Journalism. She enjoys laughing, traveling, taking photos, and being a foodie. In her spare time you can find Shannon watching Friends re-runs or blogging. She loves bagels, fashion, listening to throwbacks, and channeling her inner Blake Lively! Follow her on Twitter & Instagram
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