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7 Things That Shouldn’t be Clip-On

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

I’m not a fan of real man buns, and recently a friend showed me that clip-on man buns are now a thing. It’s pretty disturbing to me, considering these things look like perfect ballernia knots.  I guess if you want to be a part time hipster, this is the perfect option for you. My question is, how will you play off this fake bun with a girlfriend? Are you going to come out of the bathroom at night and pretend you decided to chop off all your hair? Even on the gorgeous model above, I am not feeling it. This odd product inspired me to think of a list of things that should NEVER have a clip-on option. Enjoy. 

1. Clip-On Dreadlocks 

I’m still thinking about hair, so the first thing that came to my mind were dread locks. Don’t get me worng, I love them and I’ve considered dreading my crazy curly hair. My thing is, if you’re going to do it, do it big. I understand it’s a big commitment to rock this style, but I hope I never see dreadlock clip-ons at Claires for girls who want to feel Rastafarian for the day. 

2. Clip-On Tongue Rings I’m not sure how it would work, but I wouldn’t be surprised if someone tried to invent a clip-on tongue ring to avoid all the health risks that come with the piercing. I am guilty of using clip-on earrings before my mom let me get my ears pierced, but I can’t imagine clipping something to my tongue. Crossing my fingers this never becomes a trend. 

3. Clip-On Hoodies

Be decisive! I love hood-less sweatshirts, but if I want a hoodie I’ll just wear a different sweatshirt with a hoodie. This shouldn’t be a thing because this may encourage someone to wear the same sweatshirt all winter, and make them falsely believe they’re mixing it up by using the hoodie some days and taking it off on other days. I wouldn’t support this look unless you’re too tacky to care.

4. Clip-On/Stick-On Eyebrows

Do I even need to explain why this would not be okay? If you’re trying to dress up as Drake, that would be the only exception. Sticking on some fake brows would be taking “eyebrows on fleek” a bit too far. Eyebrows are important, but make sure you know what you’re doing before you pick up a tweezer, pencil, or liquid gel pen. 

5. Clip-On Bikini Bottoms

That is a spring break tragedy waiting to happen. The tops that clip together are scary enough, and string bikinis give me anxiety. I’ve lived in Florida my entire life, and I have drawers filled with bikinis, but none of my bottoms clip together. The thought of it sounds risky and unflattering. 

6. Clip-On Braces

Pretend you’re in middle school again, when braces were cool. I had them throughout the middle school years, and I remember my best friend telling me that she wished she had them, so she could change the band colors. I guess this might appeal to a 13 year-old, but creating a product like this would be a big waste of time and energy. 

7. Clip-On Flannel

You know it’s fall when you see girls tying flannels around their waist again. Clipping on a fake flannel just to be trendy should never happen. I have wrapped a flannel around my waist, I won’t deny that. I also like actually wearing my flannels sometimes, so I would never buy a flannel just to rock it around my hips. 

Leave the clipping to the experts, like bra manufacturers.

Photo credit: Image 1, Image 2, Image 3, Image 4, Image 5, Image 6, Image 7

Jade is a junior Radio/Television major with a coffee addiction and may marry a bagel because she loves them so much. She's just your typical sorority girl that idolizes Beyonce, loves being by the ocean, and sharing Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake videos on Facebook because they are friendship goals. Jade loves cheering on her Knights, you can find her at every UCF home game. When life's a mess Jade wants to remind you that you can just pretend you're Olivia Pope and handle it. 
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