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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.


With spring comes the feeling of rebirth and new beginnings. Because of assignments, deadlines, and upcoming exams I’ve already forgotten that this is my favorite season! At the moment I’m counting down the days until I can feel free. If you’re looking for ways to find spring, make the time to do at least one thing from this list. 

1. Ride a bike around campus

Photo by: Sarah Hoffman

If you do not own a bike or live off campus you can rent a bike! Located in front of the Union are more than 30 bikes that can be rented with a simple swipe and signature. The rental is for 24 hours during the week and for three days if rented on Friday. Bikes can also be rented at the gym.

2. Have a picnic

Photo by: Sarah Hoffman

You don’t have to do this with a significant other. Do it with your girlfriends or anyone else you enjoy spending time with! Sundays are the most peaceful to just sit on the grass in front of the reflection pond.

3. Wear something yellow


I have a bright yellow blazer that I wear occasionally as a statement piece and I have always noticed that my day turns out to be a good one. Wearing yellow has actually been proven to make you happier!

4. Get a pedicure


Go ahead and pamper yourself! When it comes to picking a nail polish for this season, go with pastel colors. You’ll look at your toes and feel bubbly and light.

5. Go to a baseball game


The distinct smell of fresh grass, the slap of leather, the crack of the bat, and tight buns in white; spring also means Baseball season! Check out the 2013-2014 schedule and go support our Knights.

6. Go to the Orlando Farmers Market 

Photo by: Sarah Hoffman

 The Orlando Farmers Market is held every Sunday between 10am and 4pm at the Lake Eola Park in downtown. Not only can you buy fresh fruits and vegetables you can also find locally made jewelry, pottery, and soap. If you’ve always wanted to do outdoor yoga, they also have classes at 11:30 for $5!

7. Get a slushie from the 7-11 Slushie truck


UCF Contributor