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Finals Survival Guide: 5 Tips You Can Use to Ace Your Exams

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

April has come and (almost) gone, and you know what that means, the beginning of Finals season! But don’t stress, here, I’ve compiled a list of tips that have helped me immensely in preparing for my final tests. So buckle up, and don’t stress now, it’s the final stretch so prepare to lock in!

Tip #1: plan, plan, plan

If you fail to plan you plan to fail. A quote that can’t be further from the truth. that‘s why I suggest you schedule time in your very busy schedule to plan out any tests, final papers, or study sessions to optimize your time during the final season. One method that has helped me is to note down everything in my planner, or if you like, you can use digital calendars or apps such as Notion to plan out your day.

Tip #2: Form a study group

You know what they say, there’s no I in team, especially when you’re trying to study for a big test. Forming a study group with your classmates is a productive way to make sure you succeed. Collaborating will help you pick up on extra information you might have missed in class.

Tip #3: Find a study space

Having a great study environment is vital. Trust me, trying to study in a room full of distractions never ends well. It’s vital to find an exclusive place for studying. 

Some of my favorite places around UCF to study:

  • The Library (preferably the 4th floor. For me the quieter, the better!)
  • Foxtail Cafe
  • Business Admin building 
  • Cafe Bustelo

Tip # 4: Get some sleep 

All of your studying and prep work for finals is much less effective if enough rest does not supplement it. Many studies conducted by experts have revealed how your quality of sleep affects memory. Research reveals sleep enhances the mind’s capacity to concentrate and performs an active role in fortifying memories, making it simpler to reclaim knowledge. You can take plenty of steps to ensure you get some proper shut-eye, eliminating any distracting devices such as TVs, phones, tablets, and laptops; sticking to a consistent sleep schedule early on, and not consuming caffeine later in the day. 

Tip #5; reward yourself!

Once finals are finished, make sure to reflect on what you did right and what you did wrong that semester. Think about what you would like to do better the next semester. 

However, it is important not to go too hard on yourself and reward your hard work because you deserve it! I know after a hard exam, I’ll buy myself a little sweet treat or make plans with my friends to decompress. Whatever your plans may be, make sure it’s something you can do that you enjoy. 

Kiara Chang is a writer for Her Campus UCF. She is studying Political Science and Communications at the University of Central Florida. Kiara spends her time watching movies, thrifting, and hanging out with friends