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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Going to a music festival for the first time can be absolutely overwhelming. Between the thousands of people, the loud music and the late nights full of new things, not preparing beforehand can really leave you in a rut. Here are five things to ensure you have a great first music festival.

1. Hydrate (Bring a bladder and drink, drink, drink)

This is by far the most important thing you have to prepare for. Regardless if you bring in a water bladder (check your festival guidelines for specifications) or a bottle of water, ensure you are refilling throughout the day and keep drinking water, even if you feel like you have had enough. The summer heat is unforgiving and if you add in thousands of other people and little sleep, then hydration is crucial to not ending your festival early from dehydration.

2. Wear bug spray and sunscreen

Similar to hydrating, these two things are super crucial in not making yourself miserable. Summer heat and mosquitos go hand-in-hand, and chances are you don’t want to leave covered in hundreds of itchy insect bites. Be sure to apply bug spray as instructed on the bottle, and bring anti-itch cream just in case! Same goes for sunscreen. Leaving a festival with blisters because you forgot to apply enough sunscreen is not going to leave you in a post-festival daze, so be sure to apply sunscreen regularly and bring aloe just in case!

3. Check out bands you’ve never heard of

In the past, I have found so many great artists from going out to the concerts of bands I had never heard of. Sure, you might come across one you may not like, but chances are you’ll at least enjoy the vibe that all the people are giving off during the set. 

4. Review the “What You Can Bring” section

This is super important! Go to your festival’s FAQ page and look for the “What Can I Bring?” section of the website. Each festival is vastly different in terms of what goes and what doesn’t, so be sure to read over it before heading out so you aren’t getting held up in line because you brought in something you weren’t supposed to. 

5. Find new friends, even if just for a singular set

I’ve had so much fun interacting with people during sets that I truly think this is what makes a music festival. Even if you never see these people again, or never get their names, during the entirety of the set they will become your new best friends. It’s what makes festivals feel like family.

Festivals are addictive and once you leave your first one you’ll continuously wish you were back there basking in the summer heat and listening to music. Prepare yourself before you go and you’ll have an absolutely incredible time.

Images: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Darby is a Senior at UCF studying Interdisciplinary Studies with a minor in Anthropology. Darby was born and raised in Kentucky but decided to make the move to Orlando in the Fall of 2017. When she isn't studying and writing, she can typically be found playing video games with her husband, worrying about life after college, or playing with her dogs.
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