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5 New Year’s Resolutions You Can Actually Stick To

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

With 2022 just around the corner, it’s that time again where New Year’s resolutions are creeping onto us. Lucky for you, we put together five things you can do that will not only help change your mindset for the better, but it’s also something you probably won’t give up by the time it’s February. 

Pick Up An Old Hobby 

Whether it’s painting, getting back into reading, picking up your old guitar, or even designing another Pinterest board, picking up an old hobby isn’t as difficult as people make it seem. For me, getting back into journaling was a way to remind myself of my roots, and it reminded me of how much I enjoyed writing and expressing thoughts on paper. When we distance ourselves from something we once loved and recognize our longing for it, we wonder why we left it in the first place, and that can reignite the healthy hobby once again. 

Have Mini Daily Affirmations

Alright, it may seem a bit cliché, but trust me on this one. One thing to get this going is to write some kind reminders to yourself on your mirror the night before a big day or when you’re feeling down. Then, when you wake up, you can have a little reminder of your worth and of other things to keep in mind throughout the day. Another way to keep these affirmations a daily occurrence is to do it with a friend! Instead of writing down five things you’re thankful for each day, send it to a friend and have them send you theirs, that way when one of you forgets, the other one can join in and start it first.  

Expand Your Music Genres

You don’t want your Spotify Wrapped to look the same as it did this year, do you? By exploring new music or even dedicating yourself to listening to one new song every day, you can find out more about yourself and branch out to different artists and albums. Ask your friends, explore playlists, or even make your own by adding songs you should listen to by the end of the year!

Donate Old Clothes

Not only is this good for the environment, helpful for your community, and a good way to contribute to others, but it also gives your closet a fresh and new start for the year ahead. We often forget about the pieces we keep at the bottom of our dresser, and by giving it to a friend that would use it more or donating it to a local charity or thrift store, you can clear up your space for your newer clothes that you’ll get throughout the year!

Change up your room

Whether it’s trying a new layout or buying some minor accents, changing up your room for the new year can help you grow into a new person and be excited about the new year ahead. And it doesn’t have to be a significant change! For me, buying some succulents, a tapestry, or some lights helped me be more accustomed to my new room, especially being away from home and settling into another place by myself. 

Julia Zanatta is a senior at University of Central Florida. This is her third year writing for Her Campus, and she is so grateful to be a part of the team. She is majoring in English, Creative Writing track. In her free time, she likes to read, journal, paint, and listen to music.