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Life > Experiences

4 Tips to Make a Long-Distance Friendship Work

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

We all cherish our friendships with our BFF, but sometimes it can be hard when you live in two different places. Between classes, internships, and everyday life, we are constantly on the go. Finding time to have a conversation and catch up can become slim and therefore, create a little distance within our friendships. So here are some helpful tips that can help you maintain and make sure your bond with your BFF is stronger than ever. 

1. Text each other as often as you can  

Personally, my BFF still lives in the same state as me, but we go to different colleges about four hours apart. One of the things we struggled with for a while was communication, so I suggest shooting your BFF a text when she or he is on your mind. The convo doesn’t have to last that long, but your BFF will appreciate that you reached out and will do the same next time you are on their mind. 

2. FaceTime once a week

Texting is great and all, but being able to see your BFF and hear their voice is even better. We all have lives and busy schedules, but finding time to FaceTime for even one hour can make a difference. This weekly FaceTime can be an area for you and your BFF to talk about things that are too long to text. Get ready to hear some crazy going out stories and get caught up on the tea!

3. Start a Netflix show together

One great thing about being BFFs is that we share things together. Whether that be memories or secrets, we are connected in more ways than one. Starting a show together will give you and your BFF something that you can share despite the distance between you. You can talk about the hot main character that you both love, or depending on what show you pick, theorize who the prime suspect is.

4. Send a memory or a meme 

BFFs love to be reminded of how much our friendship means to us. Seeing a certain memory can take us back to the best night of our lives or a time where we laughed so hard we cried. There are apps that you can download that produce a daily reminder of past memories from your various social media accounts and camera roll. Doing this can remind you of the great times you’ve shared with your BFF. Not only that, but I know from personal experience that my mood improves 100% when I get a notification that my BFF has shared a tweet with me. I already know it’s going to be a hilarious meme that we’re both looking and laughing at. Sending these to your BFF will not only remind you that they’re thinking of you, but that you still share the sense of humor that made you friends in the first place. 

Last but not least, tell your friend that you love them at the end of each convo. We all know that our lives would never be the same without our best friends for life! 

Images: 123456

Peyton is in her junior year at UCF. She is a journalism major and a political science minor. She has always had a passion for writing and enjoys  being a UCF HerCampus team member. Go Knights!