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20 Things I Wish I Knew Before My First Semester at UCF

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

1. Dorm life can be awesome. You are free to stay up as late as you want, and all of your friends are two steps away. You really do become a little family.

2. Although dorm life can be fun, it can also be disgusting. Your mom is not here to clean your room, IT IS ALL UP TO YOU (cue scary music here).

3. Your RA’s are actually going to be very nice and helpful. They are not there ruin your fun, or strictly enforce a bunch of rules. They are there to help you, give advice, and make your year safe and fun.

4. You will need a mini fridge, microwave, and a Keurig.

5. You will not need five packs of string lights from Urban Outfitters, three rugs, ten pictures in picture frames, every book you have ever read, and all your stuffed animals. Leave those at home.

6. Become best friends with someone who has an unlimited meal plan.

7. On any given night, there is a club or event that offers free food.

8. The meal plan is very expensive. Instead, load up your UCF card with Knights cash, which can be used at any restaurant or store on campus.

9. The dining hall is great place to make friends and socialize.

10. The people that work at Dominos, Huey Magoos, and Starbucks will become your best friends.

11. Only buy a Smoothie from Smoothie King when you desperately need one, because those things are expensive, too.

12. Speaking of expensive, don’t get your textbooks from the bookstore. Check out websites like Amazon.com and Chegg.com first.

13. The All Knight Study will become your home away from home, especially before a test or quiz.

14. Professors don’t play. If you suddenly get pink eye in both eyes and cant even see the computer screen- you still have to log on to submit an assignment. Professors will still not accept late work, even if you have a doctor’s note. (This is a true story by the way.)

15. STUDY! How well you do in college classes is all about how much work you put into your studies outside of class.

16. Constantly check your syllabus to keep on top of all of your assignments.

17. Join clubs and get involved. Seriously. It’s the easiest and best way to make friends that share similar interests.

18. Greek life is nothing like how it is depicted in movies.

19. Find a balance between schoolwork and socializing. Don’t go out and party every night, but don’t study 24/7 either.

20. Make the most of every minute of your first semester of your freshman year. It’s a really special time where you will make lifelong friends and explore your passions. These could be of the best four years of your life, so make it count!


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Jillian James is a senior at the University of Central Florida. She is majoring in Writing and Rhetoric and minoring in Mass Communication (because apparently you can’t minor in Beyoncé studies). Her favorite food is free because she is a college student and the two loves of her life are Ben and Jerry (of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream fame). If she’s not writing or reading she is probably watching The Office or waiting in line at Starbucks. She loves to show off her dance moves in “inappropriate” places like the grocery store. You can follow her on Twitter and Instagram @Jillianrosej, where she frequently posts things that make people think that she has her life together. 
Victoria is a senior studying Broadcast Journalism and minoring in Criminal Justice at UCF, and is also the Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus UCF. When Victoria is not attending classes, you can find her and her giant hair (it's full of secrets) in the Student Union pretending to study, but actually watching Criminal Minds on Netflix. Her dreams include holding a puppy for three days straight, and marrying Jimmy Fallon on the stage of Saturday Night Live. If you see Victoria around campus and she hasn't quoted Beyonce three times, run because you have found an imposter! This lovely Italian lives for Beyonce quotes (ladies, tell 'em) and fashionable boots. If you like cheesy jokes, cute pics of animals dressed like humans, or embarrassing stories of her life, you should follow her on Twitter @imunprevictable, or her step-by-step blog on Tumblr on how to survive college! *Does Single Ladies dance out of room*