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The 15 Stages of Finals Week as Told by Mean Girls

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

1. You look at your exam schedule and realize how much studying you actually have.

2. You let it sink in and go into panic mode.

3. You create a to-do list.

4. You ignore the to-do list and watch Netflix.

5. You realize you have spent so much time watching Friends on Netflix (crying over Ross and Rachel), that you haven’t begun to study for your exam that’s in two days.

6. You then decide to lock yourself in the library to stay focused, wishing you could go back to kindergarten when life was easy.

7. You go through about 5 cups of coffee in one night as you attempt to pull an all-nighter and absorb as much information as humanly possible.

8. Caffeine becomes your new BFF and anyone who denies you of your caffeine is going in your burn book.

9. Your emotions are high and after you and your friend mark your territory at your favorite table in the library, you will stop at nothing to ward people away.

10. You document your time locked in the library on Snapchat because, of course, everyone needs to know your struggle at 4:00 A.M.

11. You and your study partner start to become delusional and begin making up words.

12. Beware of the sleep-deprived students…they’re vicious, and so are you.

13. The studying becomes so overwhelming that you start thinking of stories to tell your professor to get out of taking the exam.

14. You realize that’s not going to happen so you call your mom having a mental breakdown about the future and the thought of failure, but as always, she somehow calms you down. 

15. By the end of the week you are emotionally drained and can barely make it through your exams, but you muster up the energy because there’s no better feeling than walking out of your classroom from your last exam!

Jessica is a Junior at UCF majoring in Advertising and Public Relations. I would love to end up in the Big Apple one day and find a job that combines my passion for writing, fitness, and social media. When she isn't writing for Her Campus you can catch her hanging out with her sisters of Kappa Alpha Theta or looking up gif images on google. She enjoys brunch and any kind of breakfast food, has a very large Sperry Top-Sider collection, and follows Doug The Pug on all social media platforms. Follow Jessica on Instagram and Twitter! 
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