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10 Thoughts You Have When You See Tour Groups on Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Ah, springtime. The smell of flowers blooming, the sound of squirrels scampering around campus, the warmth of the sun touching your face…and tour groups. It’s that time of year when anxious high school seniors are making the tough choice of where they’re going to spend the next four years. They may be annoying, but we can’t hate them too much – after all, those excited high schoolers that slow you down on your way to class may soon be Knights! Here’s some things we all think when we see those bustling groups on campus:

1. Oh god. Another tour group right when I’m late for class. There’s so many of them, it’s like a herd. 

2. That girl is literally taking pictures of everything. Was I that excited when I visited UCF for the first time?

3. Look at all the parents with them. Man, I miss my parents. I should call my mom.

4. They look so innocent. No stress of student loans or $200 textbooks. Oh, to be young and free.

5. Of course they all have to take pictures by the Reflection Pond. Did you really visit UCF if you didn’t take a picture by the Reflection Pond?

6. I bet I look really cool to them. Look at me, typical college student. I’m so sophisticated. I bet they all want to be me.

7. Wow, that boy is kind of cute. I could totally take him to formal. WAIT – he’s probably 17.


8. Is that kid wearing a USF shirt? Doesn’t he know he’s in Orlando, not Tampa?

9.  Wow, that girl is so pretty and her makeup and hair are on point. I sure didn’t look that nice in high school. Who am I kidding, I don’t even look that nice now.

10. These kids better all come to UCF. They’re all clearly baby Knights. Ah, I love seeing new people fall in love with my school.

Photo credit: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

Isabelle is a journalism major and Delta Zeta sister at UCF. She loves Starbucks, taking naps, cats, and all things Taylor Swift. 
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