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10 Things I’d Tell My Freshman Self

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Four years. That’s all you get. You enter doors of the buildings a kid, leave an adult. College is daunting in that way. Intimidating in its ability to flatten you in dirt and then nurture you so you blossom. Albeit the process is unique in its effects on each individual, there are some things I know now I wish somebody had told me freshman year. I have several friends who would say the same. 
Upon entrance into college, you hear the adults in your life tell you that you’re about to enjoy the best years of your life. And they’re right. They couple this with a quick study hard! And then you’re off on your own, and life is all unwound in front of you, ribbons twisting every which way. And it’s yours. Consider it a fresh start; it’s a million fresh starts really, because at any moment you can change your mind. Just because you start off one way doesn’t mean you have to keep to it. 
This is a great moment for us. 
And it’s only the beginning. Each year is interlaced with lessons learned, and new pieces added to burgeoning personalities. 
That being said, there are a million tiny things I wish I could tell my freshman self. 

The top ten are as follows

1.       You’re about to witness the adventure of a lifetime. Brace yourself. Enjoy every moment, and when times do get hard, remember they will get better.
2.      Do NOT let your grades slip; keep studying hard. One tough semester can take a lot of extra effort to bounce back from.
3.      Never let guys influence you. The same applies for friendships. The right people will love you just the way you are. 
4.      Stop worrying so much about what everyone else thinks. 
5.      Invest your time into people with more caution. Be careful who you open up to. You’d be surprised the amount of people who genuinely do not care. This is no reflection of you; it’s just that this can be a selfish time. People are truly looking out for themselves.  Remember this, and look out for yourself always.
6.      Don’t be afraid to walk-away. This applies to people, situations you do not want or need to be in, etc. 
7.      Do not, under any condition, let anyone tell you that you can’t do something. Whether that is a friend, guy, teacher, whoever. Your life is exactly how you want it to be. Work hard for the things that matter to you. 
8.      Get involved. Join a club that puts you outside of your comfort zone. You’ll meet the most intriguing people in college as it is – add to it.
9.      Make as many new friendships as you can. This is the time to really make this a priority. 
10.  Just because you’re a freshman does not mean you have to have some innate ability to tirelessly party 24/7. Have a blast for sure, but if you do need time for yourself, don’t feel guilty for taking it. There’s never a shortage of things going on. 
Just breathe and enjoy the ride.