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Urban Legends at Davis: Part 2

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

Welcome to the second and final part of Davis Urban Legends. If you haven’t read the first part, then you can read it at: http://www.hercampus.com/school/ucdavis/urban-legends-davis-part-1

For those of you who have read the first part, I bet you’re all intrigued and excited to read more about what Davis has that other UC Campus don’t! So, hold on to your keyboards and don’t blink!

A Chamber of Secrets in UC Davis?
Rumor has it that since UC Davis is such huge campus, there are underground tunnels that connects to various buildings on campus like Sproul Hall Olsen Hall, Roessler Hall, Physics Building, Geology Building, Wellman Hall and Kerr Hall. Not only that, but professors supposedly has access to them and uses them all the time. Who knows if this is true or not? Guess you’ll just have to find out for yourself. [Readers, why don’t you try being nice to your professors and see if they let you use the secret underground tunnel hmmm??]

German Prisoners
During WW2, the University Airport kept German prisoners of war. In late 1990’s, this story was published by the Davis Enterprise.

Who started the first Curbside Recycling?
It is believed that Davis started the curbside recycling; however that is not true. Davis started curbside recycling in 1974, after Wisconsin did theirs in 1967.

Historical Home
If you’re walking down the corner of 4th and I Street, you’ll spot a large three story house. At first, you’ll probably think nothing of it, but if you look closer, you’ll see that if has backwards swastika drawn on the chimney, which marks it as the home of Nazi sympathizers. This house was built by Theodore Schmeiser in 1911, and he used the symbol as a sign of good luck.  


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Jessica is currently studying Graphic Design and Psychology at UC Davis. She hopes to one day move to New York and work for a fashion or fitness magazine. When she is not dreaming about her life in New York, she is either running, watching shows on hulu, socializing or baking cupcakes. She loves anything that will make her laugh, sunny days  and everything purple!