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Things You Hear in Every English Class

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

Everyone’s taken at least one English class in their college careers (GE’s, anyone?). The majority of us here at Her Campus at UCD have taken quite a few, so we’re pretty much experts when it comes to English class lingo. In case you were wondering, here are some things that are guaranteed to be said in any and all English classes ever.




“That’s so interesting.”


“What an interesting reading of the text.”


“Did anyone see something they found interesting?”


“Ah, interesting point.”


“Interesting argument.”


“I found it so interesting when _____”


“That’s an interesting interpretation.”


“I agree, that is interesting.”




None of the GIFs or images used belong to Her Campus or the author.

Cover image source: Pexels

Nikki is a fourth year UC Davis student double majoring in English and Communication, and minoring in Professional Writing. Her passions include: puppies, Harry Styles, and Coke ICEEs. She thoroughly enjoys proofreading and hopes to somehow make a career out of it.
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