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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

Philadelphia Eagles versus the Kansas City Chiefs — two teams who had the American attention for one weekend. On Super Bowl Sunday, most were glued to their screens in anticipation, waiting to see who would ultimately win the big game. I, however, was preparing for the Souper Bowl. The Souper Bowl was an idea my friends and I came up with as an excuse to eat and celebrate our favorite food: soup! In the midst of enjoying the meal’s flavor and warmth, I began to realize that food plays a bigger role in creating bonds and friendships than we give it credit for. 

Ever since humanity learned to cook, we have gathered with one another to eat. Though not an official love language, I would say mine is sharing food. I just think there is so much you can gain from enjoying it in communion with others. In fact, studies have shown that sharing food can help with your emotional well-being as it fosters a sense of belonging within your group. Essentially, food is the glue that brings us together. It builds trust and a sense of belonging. I do not know if I am the only one who has noticed this, but it feels like we are most comfortable when we eat with people because it makes us feel safe. We let our guard down, relax, and enjoy. 

When I first had the idea to host a Souper Bowl party, all I wanted was to have an opportunity to spend quality time with my friends. When the day actually came, however, I realized just how special this moment was. Soup is such a comfort food for me and I associate it with good memories,  so getting the opportunity to cook some for the people I love felt like I was sharing a part of myself with them; that is what food has the power to do. Whether it is our cultural dishes, family recipes, or creative kitchen inventions, each is a reflection of ourselves that we are able to showcase. 

This Souper Bowl was more than just soup. Though it was a silly endeavor, ultimately what came out of it was a good time with friends. We laughed about ridiculous touchdown dances, debated how well we think Rihanna’s performance went, and all stared in confusion after seeing Mr. Beast in a Super Bowl commercial…but the point is that we did it together. There are many ways you can get together with the people you love, but I think making up a silly party theme is definitely a top-tier hangout. The Super Bowl is about competition, but I like to think that it’s more so about bringing people together. 

Jaylynn is an English and Cinema and Digital Media student at the University of California, Davis. She hopes to use her platform on Her Campus to highlight the little moments of life and hopes you enjoy reading her articles!