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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

Let’s face it, our lives are glued to screens. From the moment we wake up to the blue light glow lulling us to sleep, entertainment feels confined to a rectangular frame where our screen time is more than our human interactions. But what if I told you there’s a world beyond our phones where stories come alive, emotions erupt in real-time, and laughter echoes in shared breaths? A world called theater.

Yeah, I know, “theater” might not be the first thing that pops into your mind when planning a fun night out. It might even conjure up images of dusty seats and Shakespearean monologues that leave you scratching your head. But trust me, the theater today is as vibrant and diverse as the people who fill its seats.

My journey into this world began unexpectedly. I wasn’t sure what to expect when I started working at our school’s theater, the Mondavi Center. But guess what? It turned out to be an incredible surprise. Surrounded by passionate theater enthusiasts—from the five-pin-juggling marvel to the music prodigy—I discovered a hidden universe buzzing with creativity and collaboration.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Theater isn’t just about actors on stage. It’s a hive of activity, a backstage symphony of lighting, sound, and set design. From the sound of musicians tuning their instruments to actors setting up their props. Each element is meticulously crafted to transport you to another world, whether it’s a hilarious comedy musical or a heart-wrenching monologue.

Remember that feeling of getting lost in a good book? Imagine that feeling amplified and heightened by the shared energy of a live audience—the collective gasp at a plot twist, the eruption of laughter at a witty line. Theater isn’t just entertainment; it’s an experience that engages all your senses, sparks emotions, and leaves you buzzing long after the curtain falls.

But why choose theater in this age of instant gratification? Here’s the thing: in a world dominated by algorithms and curated feeds, theater offers something unique—human connection. It’s the magic of live performance, the energy exchange between actors and audience, and the shared experience that transcends our screens.

Theater isn’t just about escaping reality—it’s about reflecting it. It holds a mirror to our society, challenges our perspectives, and sparks conversations that linger long after the applause fades. It’s a platform for diverse voices, showcasing different cultures and experiences, reminding us of the beauty and complexity of the human story.

So, step away from the screen, put down your phone, and give the theater a chance. You might be surprised by the laughter, the tears, the stories that unfold before your eyes. You might discover a new passion, meet inspiring individuals, and experience the magic of live performance. Who knows, you might even fall in love with it, just like me. So, take a leap, grab your friends, and step into a world where imagination takes center stage. The curtain is waiting to rise, and the story is about to begin. Are you ready?

Hey! My name is Maanya and i’m a second year psychology and cognitive science double major. In my free time I like to hang out with my friends, watch tv shows and take pictures.